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Pre-Algebra Drill 1, Problem 1. Calculate 23 + 53(7 – 4).
ACT Aspire Videos 268 videos
As it is used in the passage, the phrase "a solitude" means:
Which of the following phrases best describes Mr. Rayburn?
When the narrator says that she is observing a "walking funeral", she most likely means that:
ACT English Videos 157 videos
ACT English: Grammar and Usage Drill 1, Problem 1. What should replace the underlined word?
ACT English: Organization Drill 1, Problem 1. Which transition works best?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 1. Conjunctive Adverbs.
ACT Math Videos 164 videos
ACT Math: Trigonometry Drill 1, Problem 1. What is the length of y?
ACT Math: Coordinate Geometry Drill 1, Problem 2. Solve the inequality and determine which solution is shown on the number line.
ACT Reading Videos 80 videos
ACT Reading: Humanities Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading: Natural Science Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
ACT Science Videos 67 videos
ACT Science: Conflicting Viewpoint Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. What statement would both scientists agree upon?
ACT Science: Research Summary Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. What is the method used by the scientists in this experiment?
ACT Science: Conflicting Viewpoint Passage Drill 1, Problem 10. According to Scientist 2, why do plant patterns come in waves or periods?
AP Videos 1192 videos
According to the information presented in the first and second paragraph (lines 1-26), it can be reasonably inferred that the kingdom of the Luggna...
In line 27, the adjective "inexpressible" is used
The main idea of the second paragraph (lines 24-33) can best be restated that
AP English Literature Videos 69 videos
AP English Literature and Composition 1.9 Passage Drill 1. Which of the following is offered as a possible explanation for the struldbrugs' absence...
AP English Literature and Composition 1.2 Passage Drill 1. All of the following are true of struldbrugs except that what?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.3 Passage Drill 1. In the context of the passage, what does the word "compass" in line 15 mean?
AP U.S. History Videos 7 videos
What kind of economic model did New England's environment encourage the Iroquois, and similar cultures, to adopt?
AP U.S. History 1.1 Period 2: 1607–1754. The racial ideology reflected in the Spanish caste system depicted above differed from the views of the...
AP U.S. History 1.1 Period 3: 1754–1800. Why was the power to declare war granted to Congress by the Articles of Confederation ineffectual?
ASVAB Videos 95 videos
ASVAB Physical Science 4.4. The difference between the speed and velocity is which of the following?
ASVAB Physical Science 3.1. Solution A has a pH of 3, while Solution B has a pH of 8. Solution A is what?
ASVAB Physical Science Drill 3, Problem 4. A reaction that gives off heat to the environment is a(n)...
CAHSEE Videos 380 videos
CAHSEE ELA 9.3 Ambiguities. Which of the following is an example of figurative language in the previous passage?
CAHSEE ELA 9.4 Ambiguities. Which of the following is not an example of symbolism?
CAHSEE ELA 9.5 Ambiguities. Which of the following statements about allegory is true?
GED Videos 131 videos
GED Social Studies 1.1 Civics and Government
GED Reasoning through Language Arts 2.3 Language Conventions and Usage. Which form of this word is correct?
GED Reasoning through Language Arts 3.2 Language Conventions and Usage. Which option correctly completes the sentence?
PSAT Videos 97 videos
PSAT 1.32 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following is equivalent to this quantity?
PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
SAT Math Videos 171 videos
SAT Math 1.1 Geometry and Measurement. What is the circumference of the circle?
SAT Math 1.1 Numbers and Operations. How many combinations of beverage and cereal can be made?
SAT Math 1.1 Statistics and Probability. In which of the following data sets are the arithmetic mean and the median equal?
SAT Reading Videos 212 videos
SAT Reading Section: Sentence Completion Drill 1, Problem 1
SAT Writing Videos 88 videos
Learn about effective language use from austronauts that like hoarding moon rocks in this SAT writing drill!
Cars and dashes. Yes, we're talking dashes not dashboards in this SAT Writing video.
The comma is a wonderful punctuation mark that plays many roles. In this SAT Writing video we analyze how it can set off a subordinated list!
TNReady Videos 296 videos
ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 4. How does the narrator feel about the prediction made at his birth that he would have the ability...
AP® English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 1. The speaker would agree with all of the following statements except what?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.6 Passage Drill 5. Death is primarily characterized as what?
TSI Videos 453 videos
Which is the best way to revise and combine sentences 1 and 2?
Where would the following sentence best be placed?
Which of the following is best to insert at the beginning of sentence 8?
Texas EOC Videos 540 videos
AP U.S. History 1.1 Period 5: 1848-1877. Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the idea of Manifest Destiny?
Betty Frieden was one of the leading influences (arguably the starting one) in women's rights. She argued for gender equality everywhere— from th...
Everything you ever needed to know about the Red Scare. Well, as much as would fit in one video, at least.