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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.15 Math Diagnostic 176 Views
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PSAT 1.15 Math Diagnostic. Which function represents the GDP of South Asia at time t for t equals 15?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop douceur brought
- 00:06
to you by the gross domestic product since it's such
- 00:10
a big deal to economists you'd think they could have
- 00:12
won first Alright gross domestic product or gdp is often
- 00:18
uses a measure of the health of an economy In
Full Transcript
- 00:21
two thousand fifteen the gdp of the south asia region
- 00:24
is and economists predict that the gdp of south asia
- 00:28
will grow by an average of seven point three percent
- 00:30
annually from two thousand fifteen to two thousand thirty Which
- 00:34
function represents the gdp of south asia over those fifteen
- 00:38
years All right near the potential answer Alright when a
- 00:43
season who do these economists think they are No through
- 00:46
thomas if you're so good at predicting things economist who's
- 00:50
gonna win the world series next year to know seriously
- 00:53
we're going to vegas next weekend and we got a
- 00:55
condo that's burning a hole in our fight All right
- 00:57
so we're looking at an exponential function here We know
- 01:01
this because we're given a certain amount in this case
- 01:03
an unknown amount and that's expected to increase it a
- 01:07
set rate over a period of time just like are
- 01:10
totally solid investment in scratch off lottery tickets didn't work
- 01:14
out so well the formula for an exponential function is
- 01:17
why equals a times one plus are in parentheses Who
- 01:23
the x power Where is the initial amount Our is
- 01:27
the growth rate expressed is a decimal and x is
- 01:30
the number of intervals All right well in this problem
- 01:33
and will be r a so it's a little letters
- 01:37
which route They're also Since our intervals air being measured
- 01:40
in time namely an increase of seven point three percent
- 01:43
each year we can place our acts with a t
- 01:46
for time Our rate of growth of seven point three
- 01:48
percent which expressed as a testimony is point zero seven
- 01:52
three So why equals end times one plus point Oh
- 01:56
seven three in parentheses through the power of tea Of
- 02:01
course this problem wants the equation and fancy function form
- 02:04
so we'll change our y two f t and we're
- 02:07
left with something that looks an awful lot like option
- 02:10
c In fact it looks exactly like option c so
- 02:14
that's when we're going to go with now let's see
- 02:16
what we can do about making that gross domestic product
- 02:18
a little less gross That maybe some of makeup a 00:02:21.563 --> [endTime] haircut mani pedi you
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