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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.2 Math Diagnostic 240 Views
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PSAT 1.2 Math Diagnostic. After two years, how much money will Eduardo have?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:05
brought to you by investment funds We love them and
- 00:09
we're sure the feeling is mutual All right eduardo has
- 00:13
eighty five hundred bucks to invest invest seventy five percent
- 00:16
of his money and fund a and twenty five percent
Full Transcript
- 00:17
was money in fund be fund a earns three point
- 00:21
five percent interest annually while fund be earns four point
- 00:25
two percent interest annually after two years How much money
- 00:29
will eduardo have and hear the potential Answer what I
- 00:33
kind of heard that interest income is your money So
- 00:37
assuming eduardo has left his investment earnings untouched hasn't blown
- 00:41
it all on star wars memorabilia We need to decide
- 00:44
how much dough he'll have in his two funds by
- 00:47
the end of two years Well eduardo would much rather
- 00:50
be playing with his stormtrooper action figures than doing the
- 00:53
math themselves so well the onus is on us Well
- 00:56
it's a slow day we don't have much else going
- 00:58
on First things first How much is eduardo putting into
- 01:01
each fun Well we're told he has eighty five hundred
- 01:03
bucks total and we put seventy five per cent of
- 01:05
that money to fund A twenty five percent into fund
- 01:07
be so here we just have a couple of simple
- 01:10
multiplication problems We can convert our percentages two decimals to
- 01:13
make them easier to work with So seventy five percent
- 01:16
becomes point seven five and twenty five percent becomes point
- 01:19
two five then we multiply each by the eighty five
- 01:22
hundred bucks Well looks like he put six thousand three
- 01:25
or seventy five dollars into fund a and two thousand
- 01:28
one hundred twenty five dollars into fund Be way can
- 01:31
add those two together to double check our work if
- 01:33
we're worried And yet six three seven five plus two
- 01:36
one to five equals eighty five hundred So we're golden
- 01:40
now for each fund we need to determine the interest
- 01:42
Fortunately there's an app for that they're well formula Anyway
- 01:46
i equals p arty that's interest equals the principal multiplied
- 01:51
by the rate multiplied by the time now he just
- 01:53
plug in chuck so for fun day our interest will
- 01:56
equal six thousand three hundred seventy five our principal times
- 02:00
A raid of three point five percent which is point
- 02:02
o three five and decimal form Don't forget that o
- 02:05
times to the number Of years eduardo's been accumulating interest
- 02:08
on his initial investment way come up with four hundred
- 02:11
forty six dollars and twenty five cents in interest accrued
- 02:14
Add that to the original six thousand three hundred seventy
- 02:17
five investment and fund a is now worth six thousand
- 02:20
eight hundred twenty one dollars and twenty five cents Now
- 02:23
the same spiel for fun be the principal is two
- 02:26
thousand one hundred twenty five bucks times a rate of
- 02:28
four point two percent or point zero or two times
- 02:32
to well we get one hundred seventy eight bucks and
- 02:34
fifty cents and interest accrued lost The two thousand one
- 02:37
hundred twenty five dollar investment and fund b is now
- 02:40
worth two thousand three hundred three dollars and fifty cents
- 02:43
Who it's grand total time Can we get a drum
- 02:46
roll please Adding together the six thousand eight hundred twenty
- 02:49
one point twenty five from fund eh and the two
- 02:53
thousand three hundred three point fifty from fund be waken
- 02:58
See that eduardo's initial investment of eighty five hundred dollars
- 03:00
has magically in mystically turned into nine thousand one hundred
- 03:05
twenty four dollars seventy five cents whom that'll buy you
- 03:08
a ton of nab Billion nerve knockers So yeah answer
- 03:11
C is the one we want at ease Eduardo Good
- 03:14
luck bringing down the galactic empire That extra six hundred 00:03:17.613 --> [endTime] bucks and change really help
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