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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.35 Math Diagnostic 178 Views
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PSAT 1.35 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following best models total spending on education?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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Brought to you by elementary education it's where mr mrs
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watson took their son john on his first day at
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kindergarten That kid with no sherlock Okay check out this
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bar graph The graph above shows total us expenditures for
Full Transcript
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elementary and secondary education from nineteen ninety two thousand five
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if a nineteen ninety x equals zero Which of the
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following best models total spending on education and billions of
- 00:30
dollars at time acts with acts measured in years and
- 00:34
here's potential answers All right modeling school Well maybe if
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the u s had shelled out a tad more bucks
- 00:42
we could have had some myth You're looking bar graphs
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like with three d lars special in fact made pyrotechnic
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There you go that's more like it Alright while skimming
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our answer choices It should be pretty clear that we're
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looking to take the information we're given and find a
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way to express it in slope intercept form every answer
- 01:00
choices in the form why equals mx plus b so
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well let's just start there We're told that in nineteen
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ninety x equals zero and the bar graph shows that
- 01:09
in that same year federal spending was two hundred forty
- 01:11
eight point nine billion which will be our why intercept
- 01:15
groovy on ly We still need slope Where Oh where
- 01:19
has our slow god Right If we were a slow
- 01:22
where would we be Well what we need to do
- 01:24
is take two points and use them to find the
- 01:26
average rate of change We should take the last point
- 01:29
In the case of our graph last bar and call
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that fourteen five thirty six by fourteen wealth The first
- 01:35
bar zero which we've already established Well then this would
- 01:38
be one to revive a lot Lot fourteen makes sense
- 01:42
Then we take the first bar which translates point zero
- 01:45
to forty eight point nine to track the y coordinates
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from one another subject tex coordinates from one another and
- 01:52
then divide the difference And why coordinates by the difference
- 01:55
in x co ordinates like so so five Thirty six
- 01:58
minus two Forty eight point nine to eighty seven point
- 02:00
one while fourteen minus zero is sixteen Four seven oh
- 02:05
it no it's fourteen two eighty seven divided by fourteen
- 02:08
Twenty point five and that's our slow So now we
- 02:11
can plug in everything we know to get y equals
- 02:13
Twenty point Five Acts plus 248 point nine And well
- 02:18
that looks an awful lot like option d If you
- 02:20
came up with any other answer well we'd have to
- 02:22
suspect that Something's afoot Very good watson That boy's got 00:02:27.388 --> [endTime] a long way to go
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