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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.5 Math Diagnostic 205 Views
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PSAT 1.5 Math Diagnostic. What is the probability that a woman over the age of 25 with a Bachelor's Degree earned her degree in either the field of Arts and Humanities or Education?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by bachelor's degrees Sadly they don't always
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come with a rose Check out the stable on no
- 00:17
people have seen it according to the table What is
- 00:19
the probability that a woman over the age of twenty
Full Transcript
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five with a bachelor's degree earned her degree in either
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the field of arts and humanities or in education and
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here's a potential answers All right probability gotta lot numbers
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here think about percentages and all that Wait a minute
- 00:36
Why aren't these women earning bachelor read degrees Is that
- 00:39
not a thing All right reality television has gotten us
- 00:42
totally turned around all right So we're given a table
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showing the degrees earned by some surveyed men and women
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and we're told that everyone surveyed is over twenty five
- 00:52
so we don't even have to worry about that part
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of the problem don't need to check anyone's ideas the
- 00:56
door questions asking us what the probability is that a
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woman's degree is in the arts and humanities or education
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as opposed to science and engineering business or the mysterious
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other category when finding a probability we're looking for a
- 01:10
certain number out of the hole For example when we're
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rolling and die we have a one in six chance
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of rolling a five because there's only one five and
- 01:19
six sides of the dye Likewise in this scenario we're
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going to need to figure out how many women fall
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into two categories were interested in and then divide that
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by the total number of women surveyed Unfortunately we're going
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to be dealing with numbers that are a tad larger
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than in our example it's as if we're working with
- 01:36
the four hundred twenty one thousand one hundred ninety one
- 01:39
sided die your heart out dungeons dragons All right first
- 01:44
up let's add together all the women who got their
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degree in the arts and humanities and those who went
- 01:49
the education room So forty nine thousand fifty three plus
- 01:53
two hundred three thousand six hundred eighty one equals two
- 01:55
hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred forty four Now looking
- 01:58
at the total row with the bottom we can see
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that all together one hundred twenty one thousand one hundred
- 02:03
ninety one women were surveyed so we take two hundred
- 02:05
two thousand seven hundred forty four Divide that by four
- 02:08
hundred twenty one thousand one hundred one and we get
- 02:11
almost exactly zero point six or sixty percent which is
- 02:15
option d and the survey says we totally nailed it
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