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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic 312 Views
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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
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Thank you We sneak And here's your smoked You sure
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brought to you by rabbits They insisted that we have
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to do it Okay At six weeks of age or
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rabbit should consume two point six grams of food per
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meal If a rabbit consumes three meals a day how
Full Transcript
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many grams of food will rabbit consume in seven days
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on potential answers Think about it Think about it Think
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about it Okay so one way to go about this
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problem would be to physically get a hold of a
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rabbit and then feed it exactly Two point six grams
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of food three times a day for a week And
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then just you know check to see how many total
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grams you've dished out You know it's probably not the
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easiest way but especially since rabbits on currently season let's
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do this one The math the way the first thing
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we need to do is make sure we understand all
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the information given to us And what exactly The questions
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asking Well visualize things to make it simpler And since
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actual rabbits are ah big ask we'll use pictures of
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rabbits instead and on the upside pictures of rabbits don't
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hoof all over the place are made Thank us all
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right so here's our rabbit will call her mop see
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mob see eats two point six creams food every meal
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so it's right to point six right chair She has
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three meals a day so each day she eats two
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point six times three grams of food or seven point
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eight grams Hey that's answer eh Not so fast Patients
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we must have you know we've only figured out how
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many grams of food are consumed per day Well the
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question asked for the total over the course of seven
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days go back to mop See she keeps chowing down
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day in and day out for the duration of a
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full week which means we'll need to take that seven
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point eight grams and multiplied by seven can result Fifty
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four point six grams of food Answer see sadly we
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discovered on day for that mob see and gone off
- 01:55
her diet are bad Really We should have kept the 00:01:58.506 --> [endTime] pantry door locked Oh
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