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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.11 Math Diagnostic 174 Views
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PSAT 1.11 Math Diagnostic. What is the value of n ?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
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Brought to you by candy We swore we were gonna
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be good and not by any of the movie theater
- 00:10
but we're willing to make one small concession Check this
- 00:14
figure out boxes Approximately seventy five percent full by volume
Full Transcript
- 00:19
of spherical candies each with a diameter of zero point
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five inches If the box contains one hundred thirty seven
- 00:27
pieces of candy what is the value of in And
- 00:30
here The potential answers Apparently this box of candy comes
- 00:36
complete with measurements variables and volume formulas it's almost enough
- 00:40
to take the fun right out of slowly destroying your
- 00:43
teeth Okay so what's the question asking we've got this
- 00:47
box full of candy and we're told that seventy five
- 00:49
percent full like someone couldn't wait for the movie to
- 00:52
start We're also told that the spherical candies contained therein
- 00:56
each have a diameter of coming five inches though they're
- 00:59
about this big were given the width and height of
- 01:02
the candy box and we know there are one hundred
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thirty seven pieces of candy inside Well our job is
- 01:08
to find the measurement of that last side only to
- 01:11
start by figuring out how much space is taken up
- 01:14
by one of the candies For that we'll need our
- 01:17
trusty volume of a sphere formula which he recalled is
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four thirds pi times the radius do well if the
- 01:25
diameter is point five inches than the radius must be
- 01:28
half that or point two five inches and we've got
- 01:31
everything we need to calculate the volume Plugging all this
- 01:33
business into our calculator we get roughly point o six
- 01:37
five four four cubic Inches That doesn't sound very big
- 01:41
One more couldn't hurt Now we know there are one
- 01:44
hundred thirty seven pieces of candy in the box so
- 01:46
we could multiply our result by one hundred thirty seven
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to get the total volume of space being taken up
- 01:51
by our little chocolatey friends Point o six five four
- 01:54
four times one thirty seven equals eight point nine six
- 01:58
six six cubic inches Great So we've got the volume
- 02:01
of the box right Oh if only life were that
- 02:04
simple remember the candies air only taking up seventy five
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percent of the box So our eight point nine six
- 02:10
six six cubic inches represents three fourths of the box
- 02:13
total volume though if eight point nine six six six
- 02:16
cubic inches is seventy five percent of the volume we
- 02:19
can multiply by four third's to get the volume of
- 02:22
the whole kit and caboodle That will give us eleven
- 02:25
point nine five five five cubic inches Hell didn't sound
- 02:28
like all that much Now we're trying to find the
- 02:31
volume of the box using our formula for a rectangular
- 02:34
prism It's just length times with times height while we
- 02:37
have two of those Three with the other roving in
- 02:40
the volume of the box is also six times four
- 02:44
times end or twenty for end Next we consent twenty
- 02:47
for an equal to eleven point nine five five five
- 02:50
since we know that both represent the volume of the
- 02:52
box and divide both sides by twenty four To get
- 02:54
n equals point Four nine eight or almost exactly point
- 02:58
five inches Cute that it be Option c which comes
- 03:01
very close to hitting the nail directly on the head
- 03:03
Oof Those tiny half inch candie's you add up quickly 00:03:07.78 --> [endTime] as can one's dental bills
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