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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.36 Math Diagnostic 170 Views
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PSAT 1.36 Math Diagnostic. If f represents the cost of his food, which of the following represents Jasper's order?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak Here's your smoke do sure brought
- 00:05
to you by chinese takeout May your fortune never read
- 00:09
probably shouldn't have eaten that Okay jasper orders takeout every
- 00:15
friday His total is never more than twenty bucks including
- 00:18
the untaxed five dollars delivery fee and a seven percent
Full Transcript
- 00:21
tax on this food if f represents the cost of
- 00:24
his food which of the following represents jasper's order and
- 00:27
your potential answers All right okay That taxes here for
- 00:32
jasper the life of a single man every friday A
- 00:35
sad nagging reminder of his loneliness Nothing He needs someone
- 00:39
else to make him feel whole But well it's really
- 00:41
hard to finish an order Chicken fried rice all by
- 00:43
yourself Alright so every once in a while a problem
- 00:46
comes along we can zip through in a matter of
- 00:47
seconds and this is one of them Let's check out
- 00:49
our answer choices here We're told that there's a seven
- 00:52
percent tax on jasper's food represented by the variable f
- 00:56
well there's no reference to that seven percent tax and
- 00:58
option c so that was clearly a loser We're also
- 01:01
told that five dollars delivery fee is untaxed and yet
- 01:04
both options a and b have the delivery feet included
- 01:08
inside the parentheses and then they haven't multiplied by either
- 01:11
point Oh seven or one Point Oh seven neither of
- 01:13
which could possibly be right Since that five bucks has
- 01:16
to stand alone and lickety split Just like that we
- 01:19
determine that option Do one point Oh seven f plus
- 01:22
five is less than twenty has to be the right
- 01:25
answer process of elimination Yes we've got the cost of
- 01:29
the food being multiplied by one point Oh seven and
- 01:31
that's one hundred percent plus percent extra Plus the five
- 01:34
dollars delivery charge must equal or be less than twenty
- 01:37
bucks Yes is it was outlined in the problem Jasper
- 01:40
has resolved to get back into the dating scene starting
- 01:43
next week We wish him the best of luck Perhaps
- 01:45
someday soon his fortune will read his cheaper to go 00:01:48.808 --> [endTime] split seas
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