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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
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PSAT 1.6 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following is most likely to be an accurate statement about Americans over the age of 25 in 2011 with a Bachelor's Degree?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:05
brought to you by the study of mankind Oh the
- 00:09
humanities All right check out this table Survivors connect to
- 00:13
the level you sent around Damn it All right in
- 00:18
two thousand eleven there were approximately fifty nine million americans
Full Transcript
- 00:21
over the age of twenty five with a bachelor's degree
- 00:24
using the data from the survey which of the following
- 00:26
is most likely to be an accurate statement about americans
- 00:29
over the age of twenty five in two thousand eleven
- 00:31
with a bachelor's degree your pencil answers and uh that
- 00:35
makes sense of my looking table Okay we're looking for
- 00:38
the one accurate statement which means we've got three impostors
- 00:41
on the loose it's our job to round them up
- 00:43
and then we'll send him jail Just call it mission
- 00:46
in pasta rebel or don't like okay so before we
- 00:50
get to the answer choices let's grab a nearby scalpel
- 00:53
hopefully have one handy and dissect this sucker question tells
- 00:57
us that in two thousand eleven there were approximately fifty
- 00:59
nine million americans over the age of twenty five with
- 01:01
a bachelor's degree Well looking at where the total column
- 01:05
is and the total roe in our table we can
- 01:08
see that there were nine hundred thirty nine thousand seven
- 01:11
hundred six people surveyed that's Just a bit fewer than
- 01:14
fifty nine million So how are we supposed to know
- 01:17
anything about all those other folks Considering we have fewer
- 01:20
than a million results now Unfortunately that simple idea of
- 01:23
serving as long as there's a large enough sample size
- 01:26
and almost a million sounds pretty good sized to us
- 01:29
We can rely on the percentages to tell us something
- 01:32
about the bigger picture How much is nine hundred thirty
- 01:36
nine thousand seven hundred fifty six in relation of fifty
- 01:39
nine million Well we can figure that out simply by
- 01:41
dividing them one into the other So nine three nine
- 01:44
seven five six divided by fifty nine million is point
- 01:47
pull one five nine In other words the people surveyed
- 01:51
represent roughly one point five Nine percent of the total
- 01:55
population of twenty five and over Bachelor degree holders Now
- 01:59
let's check out the first answer choice option A about
- 02:01
nine point two million women would have held a bachelors
- 02:05
degree in science and engineering Well according to our table
- 02:09
there were sixty five Thousand seven hundred sixty one Women
- 02:11
with a bachelor degree in science and engineering That's based
- 02:14
on the surveys Sample size How many are likely to
- 02:17
fall into that category out of the entire fifty nine
- 02:20
million We'll figure that out We need to know how
- 02:22
many times One point five nine goes into one hundred
- 02:26
Okay division time hundred divided by one point five Nine
- 02:29
is a sixty two point eight nine called sixty three
- 02:32
What that means is that any number in our table
- 02:35
can be multiplied by sixty two point eight nine And
- 02:38
we'll have a pretty good idea of how many men
- 02:40
are Women could be expected to fall into this or
- 02:43
that category when we take absolutely everybody into account So
- 02:47
for option a we take sixty five thousand seven hundred
- 02:49
sixty one multiplied by sixty two point eight nine to
- 02:51
get around four point one million Not quite The nine
- 02:54
point two million we need Is it all right let's
- 02:56
Try another one See about twenty seven point eight million
- 02:59
men would have held a bachelor's degree in arts and
- 03:02
humanities Well going back to our table Looks like of
- 03:05
the men surveyed Two Hundred forty four thousand seven hundred
- 03:07
eighty two of them had degrees in arts and humanities
- 03:10
multiplying that by sixty two point eight nine we get
- 03:12
about fifteen point four million not even in the neighborhood
- 03:16
What about d About three point two million men would
- 03:18
have held a bachelor's degree in education Well here we
- 03:21
take fifty seven thousand two hundred seventy nine and multiply
- 03:23
that by sixty two point eighty nine which would give
- 03:26
us around three point six million blue clothes but no
- 03:29
peace pipe Well then hopefully option b works out about
- 03:32
twelve point Eight million women would have held a bachelor's
- 03:35
degree in arts and humanities So two hundred three thousand
- 03:38
six hundred ninety one time sixty two point eight nine
- 03:40
and we get twelve point eight million it's a match
- 03:44
The imposters have been apprehended and what old man Wilkins 00:03:48.083 --> [endTime] uh we should have known
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