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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.38 Math Diagnostic 180 Views
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PSAT 1.38 Math Diagnostic. What is f(g(x))?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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Brought to you by fancy footwork Now that's a dancer
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with some fancy feet Yeah All right If f of
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x equals x squared minus four X minus three and
- 00:16
g f x equals two x plus five What is
Full Transcript
- 00:19
f of g of x and hear the pencil answers
- 00:23
All right Difference in size Something here Okay well in
- 00:27
english this roughly translates to give this of that Is
- 00:32
this and that of this is that what is this
- 00:36
of that of that Make even less sense now doesn't
- 00:40
want let's stick with the math version so we can
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solve this one with little substitution and just a bit
- 00:44
of fancy footwork We're told that g f x equals
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two x plus five So when we're given this nasty
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looking thing at the end we can plug in two
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x plus five in place of g f x to
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get f of the quantity Two Acts plus 5 well
- 00:59
from here we can plug in that same expression as
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acts throughout the function F of x so f of
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x equals x squared minus four X minus three and
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that becomes f of the quantity Two x plus five
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equals the quantity two x plus five squared minus four
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times the quantity Two x plus five minus three it's
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longer but simpler Go figure Now we can just multiply
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everything out to simplify to x plus five square and
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we'll have to use the distributive property to get four
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x squared plus ten x plus ten x plus twenty
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five The next part multiplies out negative eight x minus
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twenty and finally there's that negative three on the end
- 01:41
reminding all like terms it looks like f of the
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quantity two x plus five equals four x squared plus
- 01:45
twelve x plus two which is option d Well that
- 01:49
certainly was easier than we thought it would be that
- 01:51
what dance our way to the answer although i suppose
- 01:54
we could have completed it even faster if we've done 00:01:56.441 --> [endTime] the hustle
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