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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.32 Math Diagnostic 177 Views
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PSAT 1.32 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following is equivalent to this quantity?
- 00:00
Sorry And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
- 00:04
by ducks more and more of them these days Or
- 00:07
stopping to make sure the bread crumbs thrown to them
- 00:09
are gluten free You know that which of the following
- 00:13
is equivalent to the quantity x minus seven times quantity
Full Transcript
- 00:16
three x plus six times the quantity x squared minus
- 00:19
four x minus five and hear the bench lands Well
- 00:23
looks like solve this one We're gonna have tio consume
- 00:27
mass quantities Cone heads know the pointy headed close with
- 00:32
Yeah like we're old Well let's just take a look
- 00:35
at the first two parts and princes and multiply those
- 00:37
together For starters we can worry about the third one
- 00:40
in a bit We're gonna multiply through x minus seven
- 00:43
and three Acts plus 6 so we get three x
- 00:46
squared plus six x minus twenty one x minus forty
- 00:49
two Combine our ex terms and that's improvised three x
- 00:52
squared minus fifteen x minus forty two All right now
- 00:55
we'll introduce that last part back into our lives Like
- 00:58
you never left this one's a bit more complex but
- 01:01
it follows the same general principle we need to take
- 01:04
The first term in the first polynomial multiply it by
- 01:07
the first term in the second polynomial then do the
- 01:09
same for the second third terms Then we go back
- 01:12
to the first polynomial and lather intra pete with the
- 01:15
second term there And finally with third once we're done
- 01:18
we should have a string of terms about a half
- 01:19
mile long but at least we'll be getting somewhere alright
- 01:22
Well three x squared times x squared is three acts
- 01:25
to the fore Three x squared times negative for axes
- 01:28
negative twelve x cube and three x squared times Negative
- 01:32
five is negative fifteen x square All right back to
- 01:35
the first polynomial middle term now banking fifty Next time's
- 01:38
expert is negative fifty next cube negative fifty next times
- 01:42
negative for exes positive sixty x squared and negative fifteen
- 01:47
x times negative five is positive Seventy five acts are
- 01:51
home stretch first pollen on the old third term hanging
- 01:54
a forty two times x squared is negative Forty two
- 01:56
x squared Thank you forty two times negative four axes
- 02:00
sixty eight x and negative forty two times five his
- 02:03
positive to ten and we're done florida now to combine
- 02:07
Like terms wherever possible we need to get our ducks
- 02:09
in a row as it is there flapping all over
- 02:12
have only got one accident fourth term so we can
- 02:15
leave him along Negative twelve x cubed minus fifteen x
- 02:18
cube is negative twenty seven x q taking fifteen x
- 02:22
squared plus sixty x squared minus forty two x squared
- 02:27
is three x squared Seventy five Acts plus 168 axes
- 02:31
two hundred forty three acts And then finally we can
- 02:33
tack on the two hundred ten At the end there
- 02:35
are all together Now We have to react to the
- 02:38
fourth one twenty seven execute plus three x squared plus
- 02:41
two hundred forty three x plus two ten it's option
- 02:44
b There's got to be careful with all those positive
- 02:46
and negative signs but as long as you keep straight
- 02:48
problems like this one as bad as they first appear
- 02:51
Although tried telling these guys they can barely stand right 00:02:55.671 --> [endTime] frank
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