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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.8 Math Diagnostic 211 Views
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PSAT 1.8 Math Diagnostic. What is one value of x?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your smoked you sure
- 00:05
brought to you by dead birds And you thought your
- 00:09
flight was delayed All right if four x squared plus
- 00:13
six x plus thirty five equals sixteen x squared plus
- 00:16
seven x What is one value of x All right
Full Transcript
- 00:20
near the potential answers All right well we've got two
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ways to do this thing Isn't it nice having options
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One way would be to plug in each of the
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four answer choices one at a time until we find
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one that works But way just did the plug and
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chug method for last problem we solved and we want
- 00:37
to mix things up a bit Do things the hard
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way this time Don't give us that look you know
- 00:41
keep you sharp Okay so the first thing we want
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to do is combined like terms We got a couple
- 00:46
of x squared here so let's subtract four x squared
- 00:49
from both sides Then we have a couple of ex
- 00:52
terms that will subtract six acts from both sides to
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get those over to the right as well And finally
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will subtract thirty five from both sides And now we've
- 00:59
got zero equals twelve x squared plus x minus thirty
- 01:03
five Much cleaner looking Almost looks pretty enough to kiss
- 01:07
on the mouth there That headline All right so now
- 01:10
we've got this polynomial but we still need to solve
- 01:13
for x timeto factor We know that we can get
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to twelve x squared By multiplying twelve x pi x
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six x by two ex or for x by three
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x And because our last term is negative thirty five
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it's probably going to be some combination of a seven
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and a half five Well after a little finagle ng
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we realised that four x times five is twenty x
- 01:34
and three x times seven is twenty one x which
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is a difference of one x and that's the middle
- 01:40
of our pollen O'neill right on the right track to
- 01:43
get everything would work out perfectly We'll need to put
- 01:45
four x plus seven in one set of parentheses and
- 01:48
three x minus five and the other let's Double check
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to make sure we did that right for x times
- 01:53
Three axes twelve x squared All good there Three x
- 01:56
times seven is twenty one x and for x times
- 01:58
negative five is twenty Ex those cancel out toe one
- 02:02
x So it's still looking promising and finally seven times
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negative five is negative Thirty five loot We got it
- 02:09
Now we can set each of those equal to zero
- 02:12
and go home from there So for x plus seven
- 02:15
equals zero We can Subtract seven from each side to
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get for x equals negative seven then divide both sides
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by four to get x equals negative seven Force well
- 02:27
but that's not one of our option that's not freak
- 02:30
out question did ask us to find just one value
- 02:32
of Acts So hopefully this other 1 works out well
- 02:35
Three x minus five equals zero at five Both sides
- 02:38
to get three x equals five then divide both sides
- 02:41
by three To get x equals five thirds and bingo
- 02:45
option c Now if you're really found that painful feel
- 02:48
free to use the plug and chug method next time
- 02:50
you get a similar problem But aren't you glad you
- 02:52
know what the senior group looks like in case you're
- 02:55
ever interested in a leisurely stroll All right point taken
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