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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
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PSAT 1.37 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following forms of the function f(x) would best reveal the number of employees that should be hired to maximize points?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak then here's your shmoop du jour
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Brought to you by new employees You can tell which
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ones aren't going to work out the minute you take
- 00:10
off the training wheels All right the company's profits can
- 00:14
be modelled with the function F of x equals negative
Full Transcript
- 00:16
twenty five x squared plus one hundred fifty x minus
- 00:19
twenty five where ex represents the number of employees which
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of the following forms of the function f effects would
- 00:25
best reveal the number of employees that should be hired
- 00:28
to maximize profits And here the potential answers All right
- 00:32
kind of ugly Okay so this company who shall not
- 00:35
be named is interested in maximizing their profit We can't
- 00:39
really flame of companies who focus on minimizing their profit
- 00:43
tend not to stick around very long or we call
- 00:45
them of the u s government Okay so we have
- 00:48
a function that models the company's profits and we want
- 00:51
to figure out what form of that function shows how
- 00:54
many newbies the company should ideally higher if they want
- 00:57
to crack their way into the fortune five hundred in
- 00:59
graph form this would be the vertex of the para
- 01:02
Villa when we're trying to find a vertex it's always
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a matter of completing the square which we don't have
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to do from scratch here is we've already got a
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few answer choices it's simply going to be a matter
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of trying out each option provided to see which one
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a shows the vertex and b is it equivalent to
- 01:19
the original function now that said we can instantly rule
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out option a it's equivalent to the original function because
- 01:25
it is the original function Exactly that doesn't help us
- 01:29
find a vertex at all Just been one of you
- 01:32
Each of the other three answer choices could get us
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to a possible over attacks so we'll need to multiply
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him out and see which one is equivalent to our
- 01:39
function Well option c is why equals negative twenty five
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times the quantity x plus three times the quantity x
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minus two were multiplying the parentheses first we get x
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squared minus two x plus three ex finest six the
- 01:53
ex terms simplified a positive one x So next we
- 01:56
have to take negative twenty five and multiplied by each
- 01:59
of the terms and our new polynomial x squared plus
- 02:02
x minus six Now don't give us negative twenty five
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x squared minus twenty five Acts plus 1:500 nuts doesn't
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match the function so option c can talk to the
- 02:12
hand What about option d Why equals twenty five times
- 02:16
the quantity Negative Acts minus 3 times the quantity x
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plus two Well same deal as before Let's distribute this
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stuff in parentheses Well that all comes out to negative
- 02:26
x squared minus two Acts minus 3 x minus 6
- 02:29
For once we've combined like terms negative x squared minus
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five X minus six Now we bring the twenty five
- 02:35
into the mix and we get negative Twenty five x
- 02:37
squared minus one hundred fifty x minus one fifty closer
- 02:41
but still no salami fingers crossed That answer b works
- 02:44
out then So we have Why equals negative twenty five
- 02:48
times quantity x minus three squared plus two hundred For
- 02:52
starters we can rewrite this so that the stuff in
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parentheses is multiplied by itself Since that's what the experiment
- 02:58
means anyway the quantity x minus three times the quantity
- 03:00
x minus really give us x squared minus three x
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minus three acts plus nine four x squared minus six
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x plus nine which went multiplied by nega twenty five
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gives us negative twenty five x squared plus one hundred
- 03:14
fifty x minus two hundred twenty five Of course we
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can't forget to add that extra two hundred that's tacked
- 03:20
onto the end And once we've done that we have
- 03:23
an equation that reads Why equals negative twenty five x
- 03:26
squared plus one hundred fifty x minus twenty five Bingo
- 03:29
that's our original function and option b is where it's
- 03:32
at Now that the company is maximizing their profits it
- 03:35
sure would be nice if they invested in a new
- 03:37
copy machine The last fifteen years It's just been some 00:03:40.578 --> [endTime] guy named bob and a boatload of carbon paper
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