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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.16 Math Diagnostic 200 Views
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PSAT 1.16 Math Diagnostic. What is the maximum number of pounds of Type A that Malcolm should buy?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:05
brought to you by coffee beans you wouldn't think they're
- 00:08
big fans of insult comedy but they're always getting roasted
- 00:13
A coffee shop sells two different types of coffee beans
- 00:16
Taipei is eight fifty a pound and type he is
Full Transcript
- 00:18
nine twenty five pounds Malcolm wants to spend no more
- 00:21
than a hundred bucks on coffee beans I'd also like
- 00:24
at least fifty five percent of the coffee beans he
- 00:26
purchases to be type a rounded to the nearest tenth
- 00:30
of a pound How many pounds of type asian Malcolm
- 00:32
by and here the tensile answer signed five six seven
- 00:37
hey if someone's personality khun b type a why not
- 00:39
a coffee bean We're sure they're some of them out
- 00:42
there who are overly ambitious workaholics and well what can
- 00:45
we say They love the grind So behind door number
- 00:48
one we've got this type a product selling for eight
- 00:50
fifty a pound and behind door number two there's a
- 00:53
type b being going for nine twenty five pounds malcolm
- 00:57
have one hundred bucks spending limit but he's also got
- 00:59
a really weird thing about needing at least fifty five
- 01:03
percent of his purchase To be the type a variety
- 01:06
we want to know the maximum number of pounds of
- 01:09
the type a b malcolm should buy How do we
- 01:11
get there Well it always helps to turn word problem
- 01:14
data into an equation here in math lands Unless you
- 01:17
do that we use the variable a fur type a
- 01:21
beans and b for type b b eight point five
- 01:24
a plus nine point two five evils one hundred In
- 01:27
other words than dollar amounts of all of the type
- 01:30
a beans malcolm buys lost the dollar amount of all
- 01:33
the type b b t vise will equal one hundred
- 01:36
bucks However we have to fiddle with things here because
- 01:39
malcolm's bizarro fifty five percent requirement dividing the number of
- 01:43
pounds for type a beans by the total number of
- 01:45
pounds should give us a number greater than or equal
- 01:48
to point five five so a over the total pounds
- 01:51
equals point five five The total number of pounds will
- 01:54
be equal to a lost be so we can rewrite
- 01:57
as a over the quantity A plus b equals point
- 02:01
Five five Well would you look at that We've got
- 02:04
ourselves a system of equation now we can start by
- 02:08
taking that first equation and isolate a so we'll start
- 02:11
by subtracting nine point two five b from both sides
- 02:14
then divide both sides by eight point five to get
- 02:17
a equals The quantity one hundred minus nine point two
- 02:20
five b all over eight point five second inequality lather
- 02:24
rinse repeat we'll multiply both sides by the quantity a
- 02:27
plus b to get playing people's point five five a
- 02:30
plus point five five d you still got an a
- 02:33
on both sides of the equation though so we'll have
- 02:35
to do something about that Let's subtract point five five
- 02:38
a from both sides to get a point Four five
- 02:40
day equals point five Five b and finally divide both
- 02:44
sides by point for five to get a equals point
- 02:47
Five five feet over Point for five now that all
- 02:51
that's out of the way we can put on our
- 02:53
substitution pants we've now determined that one hundred minus nine
- 02:56
point two five feet over eight point five is the
- 02:58
same as point five five feet over point four five
- 03:02
so we'll set them equal to one another We'll multiply
- 03:05
both sides by eight Point five to get rid of
- 03:07
the fraction on the left which gives us one hundred
- 03:09
minus nine point two five equals four point six seven
- 03:13
five beef over point four Five Now to get rid
- 03:17
of that fraction on the right we multiply both sides
- 03:20
by point four five and wind up with forty five
- 03:22
minus four point one six to five b equals four
- 03:25
point six seven five feet add four point one six
- 03:29
to five feet of both sides and who were getting
- 03:31
so close we can feel it We're left with forty
- 03:34
five people's eight point eight three seven five feet Then
- 03:37
divide both sides by forty five and we get b
- 03:40
equals five point o nine But keep in mind that
- 03:43
we just found the value of b the malcolm should
- 03:46
purchase around five point one pounds of the type b
- 03:49
being the type a which rules out option a instead
- 03:52
Let's take the five point o nine we just arrived
- 03:55
at and see what we get when we plug that
- 03:57
into our first inequality Well yet eight point five eight
- 04:01
last nine point two five times five point o nine
- 04:05
equals one hundred multiplying Through way get eight point five
- 04:08
a plus forty seven point Oh eight equals one hundred
- 04:12
and then we can subtract forty seven point oh eight
- 04:15
from both sides Get eight point five a equals fifty
- 04:19
two point ninety two Divide both sides by eight point
- 04:22
five and looks like a comes out to about six
- 04:24
point two two five which when we round that psych
- 04:27
rock comes out tio six point to option c we
- 04:31
can double check our numbers by figuring out how much
- 04:33
these things are gonna run Malcolm well six point two
- 04:36
times the eight fifty that it cost per pound comes
- 04:39
out fifty two dollars and seventy cents and five point
- 04:42
o nine times nine twenty five equals forty seven point
- 04:46
eight Well if we had those two together we get
- 04:48
ninety nine dollars seventy eight cents which will leave mouth
- 04:52
um twelve cents left over to buy himself something nice
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