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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.18 Math Diagnostic 181 Views
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PSAT 1.18 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following graphs models the population growth rate of Salmonella in the petri dish?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by salmonella bacteria that swims up your
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bloodstream All right check out info right here E coli
- 00:15
Stick to the table All right scientists repeats the experiment
- 00:18
Using salmonella bacteria The number of salmonella increases by seventy
Full Transcript
- 00:22
five percent each hour If there are ten salmonella at
- 00:26
times zero which of the following graphs models the population
- 00:30
growth reign of salmonella in the petri dish And here
- 00:33
the potential answer all right with sound effects No Right
- 00:40
those each breath We sure hope these people are wearing
- 00:43
masks or has mad suit's or something like that E
- 00:46
coli salmonella We haven't seen anyone so surrounded by bacteria
- 00:49
since the last time we visited a public swimming pool
- 00:52
Okay so basically they're changing it up on us a
- 00:55
bit Instead of the experiment described in this paragraph here
- 00:59
they're using a different bacteria that multiplies at a different
- 01:02
rate with the equal live The amount of bacteria in
- 01:05
the petri dish doubled every hour In other words it
- 01:08
multiplied by one hundred percent at every interval But the
- 01:11
salmonella is a slow worker at least by comparison It
- 01:15
only multiplies by seventy five percent of each interval Well
- 01:18
let's start with what we know at times zero iii
- 01:21
when the experiment is started there are ten lonely salmonella
- 01:25
bacteria so we should make zero ten appoint on our
- 01:29
graph And guess what One of our answer choice is
- 01:32
already out of the running After one hour there will
- 01:34
be seventy five percent more salmonella while seventy five percent
- 01:38
of ten is seven point five if we're not sure
- 01:40
how to get there by the way you can simply
- 01:42
multiply ten by point seven Five decimal version of seventy
- 01:46
five percent So on average there will be seven point
- 01:49
five mohr salmonella bacteria after that first hour or seventeen
- 01:53
point five total Well this is an average keep in
- 01:57
mind so we're probably not going to see half a
- 01:58
salmonella looking around here So let's assume that point five
- 02:02
bacteria is a whole one and rounded up to eighteen
- 02:05
Then we should see another point at one eighteenth Right
- 02:09
radio And there isn't such a point in graft b
- 02:12
so that one can go out the window What about
- 02:15
an hour after that We'll go back to our seventeen
- 02:17
point five that we had after one hour No need
- 02:19
around just yet And multiply that by seventy five percent
- 02:22
of point Seven Five to get thirteen point one two
- 02:24
Five Adding that thirteen point one to five to the
- 02:26
seventeen point five from the first hour we get thirty
- 02:29
point six to five and now we can round up
- 02:31
thirty one There should be another point on our graphic
- 02:34
to thirty one Well it looks like both cnd have
- 02:37
got a point in the general vicinity so we'll have
- 02:39
to plot one more to find our answer Well after
- 02:42
three hours there should be roughly fifty for salmonella and
- 02:45
this is how we get there Thirty point Sixty five
- 02:48
point seven five twenty two point nine six eight seven
- 02:50
five ad that's who are thirty point sixty five and
- 02:53
we get fifty three point five nine three seven five
- 02:56
which we round two fifty four Well graph C is
- 02:58
way off at point three Eighty no serene on even
- 03:01
close The graf de and knows what's up here's a
- 03:05
point at three fifty four and we have a winner
- 03:08
Salmonella dinar muchas you could be a winner when your
- 03:10
lab is overrun by a strain of bacteria that can 00:03:12.89 --> [endTime] cause typhoid fever No
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