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PSAT 1.1 Math Diagnostic. If a rabbit consumes 3 meals a day, how many grams of food will a rabbit consume in 7 days?
PSAT 1.30 Math Diagnostic 177 Views
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PSAT 1.30 Math Diagnostic. How long would it take Wanda to finish a 2000-m race?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak and here's your shmoop too sure
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brought to you by the fifty meter dash for when
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you wanted to note a really long break in a
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sentence Wanda runs the fifty meter dash in nine seconds
- 00:16
Her mile paces approximately three point two meters per second
Full Transcript
- 00:20
If one two ran at her fifty meter pays for
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the first five hundred meters and the remainder of the
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race at her slower a mile paste Approximately how long
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would it take wanda to finish a two thousand meter
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race And here the potential answers meters and miles and
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it's like oil and water right Well sounds like wanda
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is lacking either in energy or motivation As the race
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goes on maybe make her wear meat shorts and release
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a hungry cheetah somewhere around fifty meter mark that helps
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speed her up and make for some good entertainment until
- 00:52
the mauling began All right we take it back That's
- 00:54
Not the best idea All right So for five hundred
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meters one fourth of the race wanda is booking along
- 01:00
at her fifty meter paste That which she can go
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fifty meters in nine seconds for the other fifteen hundred
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meters She slows to her mile pace of three point
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two meters per second And this question wants to know
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how much total time it'd take her to go Wire
- 01:14
the wire All right well let's just break it up
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Almost as if this were to separate races and then
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we'll just add the two times together Well if one
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goes fifty meters in nine seconds then how long will
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it take her to go Five hundred meters while five
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hundred is fifty times ten So we'll have to multiply
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her time by ten as well and looks like it
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would take her in ninety seconds to go the first
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five hundred meters then for the latter part of the
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race No no not the latter part of the race
- 01:40
That would be too cruel Kind of funny He slows
- 01:43
to three point two meters per second So we're gonna
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want to know how many times Three point two goes
- 01:48
into fifteen hundred Well fifteen hundred divided by three point
- 01:51
two is about four hundred sixty eight point seven Five
- 01:55
So that's how many seconds it will take her to
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go the last fifteen hundred meters adding them together We
- 02:01
take ninety seconds Plus four hundred sixty eight Yeah Change
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seconds to get five hundred fifty eight point seven six
- 02:09
seconds Which doesn't look anything like any of our answer
- 02:12
choices Oh yeah we're supposed to convert that into minutes
- 02:16
Celia's Well there are sixty seconds in a minute so
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let's divide five fifty eight and changed by sixty and
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we get nine minutes with a remainder of around nineteen
- 02:24
seconds which is option b We're glad we decided to
- 02:27
replace the meat shorts with carrot pants and the cheetah
- 02:30
with bunny rabbits It's still added an unforeseen challenge but
- 02:34
at least wanda will live to tell the tale Ah
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