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Muckrakers 10707 Views
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Muckrackers are news journalists who change the actual information to fit what the public wants to read. Are muckrakers cashing in on the public's desire for scandal and intrigue at the sake of journalistic integrity? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
- 00:07
- 00:11
Excuse me! Excuse me! I just want to ask you a few questions!
- 00:15
Is it true that you are one-quarter alien?
- 00:18
My sources tell me that your grandfather was a native Neptunian!
- 00:21
Okay, look… sorry to back you into a corner like this, but I really need the scoop.
Full Transcript
- 00:26
Just give me a few minutes. Let me explain what we muckrakers are all about, and then
- 00:31
maybe you’ll understand... You see, I used to be a respectable journalist.
- 00:36
Just a decade ago, back in the 1890’s, New York City was littered with solid, reputable
- 00:42
publications that reported… the news, if you can believe it.
- 00:46
There was very little sensationalism, not much digging for dirty little details…
- 00:51
…it was pretty much just the facts, Jack.
- 00:54
The trouble all started when the papers realized
- 00:56
they could make more money by appealing to people’s…fondness for gossip.
- 01:01
Let’s admit it. We’re suckers for scandal.
- 01:04
We like to hear about big companies doing underhanded things.
- 01:08
We enjoy getting dirt that’s been uncovered about our politicians and celebrities.
- 01:12
We like it when the big guys go down…
- 01:19
because it makes the rest of us feel more worthy or superior.
- 01:23
Okay, so catering to people’s basest desires
- 01:26
may not have been the best reason to go into this kind of reporting…
- 01:30
…but it’s not as if nothing good has come of it!
- 01:36
We’ve shed light on some of the terrible ways children are treated in the work force…
- 01:40
…put corrupt politicians in their place…
- 01:43
…and some of us have even brought the Oil Company down a peg.
- 01:47
I mean, c’mon… does anybody really feel sorry for big oil?
- 01:51
And have you heard about this book that came out last year… The Jungle?
- 01:55
This Upton Sinclair fellow apparently nails the food industry.
- 02:03
From the poor working conditions to the standards of food monitoring and cleanliness…
- 02:07
it’s almost enough to make someone swear off hamburgers for good.
- 02:11
- 02:16
Of course, now President Roosevelt has slapped that “muckraker” label on us…
- 02:21
…comparing journalists such as myself to the guy with the muckrake in Pilgrim’s Progress…
- 02:26
…who just rakes filth out of the streets.
- 02:29
Harsh, don’t you think? We are just giving the people what they want…
- 02:36
…and we’re bringing some serious issues to light.
- 02:39
Yeah, I guess we could be a little less in love with hyperbole…
- 02:43
…and maybe we do tend to overdramatize certain events…
- 02:46
…but we’re also leading America into the Progressive era.
- 02:51
So you see...we’re not really that bad.
- 02:54
I might poke and pry into your personal life, but it’s for the good of the country.
- 02:58
And besides… we do have free speech.
- 03:01
You’re not going to argue with the Bill of Rights, are you?
- 03:04
So… what’s Neptunian for “I’ll tell you everything”?
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