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ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 4. How does the narrator feel about the prediction made at his birth that he would have the ability...
AP® English Language and Composition: Comprehension Drill 1, Problem 1. The speaker would agree with all of the following statements except what?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.6 Passage Drill 5. Death is primarily characterized as what?
Texas EOC English 1: 3.3 Understanding and Analysis of Literary Texts 375 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour Brought to you by mr jekyll Sorry doctor Brought
- 00:08
to you by dr jekyll Yeah well there you go
- 00:11
Stand corrected All right Following passage at evening utterson henry
- 00:17
henry jekyll was mad at some cabin your square solemn
Full Transcript
- 00:21
bitter already and indeed we had ten years damon and
- 00:28
passionate hide questions all right in this passage dr jekyll's
- 00:36
character who's best developed how and hear the financial answers
- 00:41
Mary lou No All right so we got to figure
- 00:45
out who gives us the most dirt on dr jekyll
- 00:48
Well if there were paparazzi and his bushes there would
- 00:50
be a lot to report Hopefully they don't run into
- 00:53
mr hyde That would be bad All right so let's
- 00:56
kick this off by nixing option d dr jekyll doesn't
- 01:00
narrate this passage In fact he doesn't appear in it
- 01:03
in person So there's no way any of this through
- 01:05
his eyes i don't like were complaining seeing things through
- 01:08
jekyll's perspective must be truly terrifying Option a is also
- 01:12
wrong Narrator doesn't actually give us much info on dr
- 01:16
jekyll here She mostly tells us stuff about boring old
- 01:20
utterson The only thing we get from the narrator is
- 01:22
a description of jekyll's suspicious will well what's the saying
- 01:27
where there's a will there's a way to find out
- 01:29
why it looks suspicious not saying all right well we
- 01:33
can also cross off choice B anderson doesn't describe jekyll
- 01:36
in fact he's on a fact finding mission to discover
- 01:39
what's going on with his old friend Maybe he should
- 01:42
stop spending his sundays reading books alone and start spending
- 01:44
more time with his butt All right well the correct
- 01:47
answer is c Everything we learn about jekyll in this
- 01:50
passage comes from dr lanyon hotels utterson that he stopped
- 01:54
hanging out with jekyll when jekyll got involved with weird
- 01:57
science What happens when you don't keep in touch before
- 02:00
you know it All your old friends become involved in
- 02:02
bizarre scientific experiments which makes for some pretty interesting high 00:02:05.713 --> [endTime] school reunions
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