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CAHSEE Videos 380 videos
CAHSEE ELA 9.3 Ambiguities. Which of the following is an example of figurative language in the previous passage?
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CAHSEE ELA 1.1 Vocabulary 259 Views
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Reading: Vocabulary, Problem 1. What is the meaning of the word explicitly in the previous sentence?
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Here's your shmoopy question du jour...
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Sarah's teacher told her that her essay on the effects of cheese on the human digestive system was too vague;
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she would get a much better grade if she stated her ideas explicitly.
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What is the meaning of the word explicitly in the previous sentence?
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And here are the potential answers:
Full Transcript
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Before we spoil the ending, hit pause and try answering yourself.
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If we didn't already know what the word EXPLICITLY meant...
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...we can often get to the right answer in questions like this by coming up with words
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that look or sound similar...
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So... let's take a look at a few of explicit's brothers from another mother...
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Well, explain is a pretty simple word most people know. Hopefully, we don't have to...
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explain it. Let's take a quick scan of the answers to
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see if there's anything that stands out. Well, there's nothing really "graphic"
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about being explicit.
- 01:00
Even if the particular subject matter can get a bit graphic. Probably a decoy.
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Answer choice B is "in a non-specific manner."
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Well, why would we want an essay to be LESS specific?
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That seems like the OPPOSITE of what Sarah's teacher is asking.
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What about choice C: "In a precise and clear way."
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Yeah. This one makes sense. When you EXPLAIN things -- at least when you do it well -- you
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explain precisely and clearly so yep -- C has to be it.
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And a quick check on D confirms -- "generally" is just vague...
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...and doesn't really help our case for clarity.
- 01:41
Answer is C. As in Cheese. Or Constipation.
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