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ASVAB Physical Science 5.2. What happens at higher temperatures?
ASVAB Physical Science 6.1. Low voltage and high resistance will result in which of the following?
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ASVAB Physical Science 5.3. This is an example of what type of heat transfer?
- 00:01
No And here's your shmoop douceur brought to you by
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soup We wanted to come up with some good soup
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puns but we wouldn't want a broth or you so
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we'll just curry on with the question You stick a
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metal spoon into a bowl of hot soup you notice
Full Transcript
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the spoon gets very warm as well This is an
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example of what type of heat transfer and here are
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potential answers I conducted back too many memories right He
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also known as energy can move from one place to
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another in a variety of waste Seriously you should see
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it do the tango let's look at a conduction conduction
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occurs when heat moves from one object to another providing
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that the two objects are in direct contact with each
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other Sound familiar Let's Cover all our bases though and
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see what other fancy footwork he is capable of There's
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conviction which covers one of fluid like era water transfers
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heat as it moves Think of a pot of boiling
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water Water at the bottom which is closest to the
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burner gets hot rises transferring heat to the rest of
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the water but eating soup with liquid spoon probably wouldn't
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work Out too well for us so we can next
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be radiation is the transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves
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If you put your hand near a hot light bulb
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you'll feel heat This sensation comes from infrared waves created
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by the heated likeable Last time we checked our soup
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was not electromagnetic No If it were we might be
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the next superhero or a super shmoop superman Something like
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that's got a nice ring to it Evaporation occurs when
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molecules of water gather enough energy from collisions with other
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water molecules that they were able to break free and
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go into the air because they're getting energy from other
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water molecules that water actually loses He won evaporation occurs
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all the hot molecules are running away And since our
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spoon isn't losing feed we know d isn't our answer
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Anytime there's heat transfer from direct contact that's conduction and
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since the spoon heats up because it's touching the suit
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the correct answer is a all this talk about food
- 01:53
has us getting hungry I'm pursuit and potentially superpowers who 00:01:57.163 --> [endTime] knows
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