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The Silence of the Lambs Scene 17 Summary

  • The guards on the ground floor watch the elevator moving, even though no one should be in it.
  • Gunshots!
  • Then the elevator comes back down. This won't be good.
  • The force suits up in vests and goes up the stairs.
  • On the third floor, the elevator's open and empty.
  • In Lecter's room, one of the guards has been gutted and hung from the cage.
  • Lecter is missing, and the other guard is on the floor, his face mutilated.
  • But the guard is alive.
  • Reinforcements show up to look for Lecter while the injured guard is loaded onto the elevator.
  • In the elevator, blood drips from the ceiling.
  • The guard's wheeled out on a stretcher, and into an ambulance, while the cops get ready to check the top of the elevator.
  • Lecter is lying on the elevator, so the guards shoot him in the leg. He doesn't move.
  • So they open the elevator panel from below, and a dead body falls through!
  • In the ambulance, the incapacitated guard suddenly gets up, and pulls his face off. It's Lecter.