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The Silence of the Lambs Cast

The Silence of the Lambs Cast

Meet the Cast

Clarice (Jodie Foster)

Our heroic FBI trainee and stalker-stalker Clarice Ann Starling is direct, honest, determined—and smart enough to know when she should be scared spitless. She agrees to tangle with one of the mos...

Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins)

He Likes His Meat RareThinking of cannibals usually conjures up one image: a racist caricature of a tribal native with sharp teeth and a bone (from his last human meal) through his nose. Serial kil...

Buffalo Bill (Ted Levine)

Oh, Give Us a Home Where the Buffalo Don't RoamIn a movie with two serial killers, Buffalo Bill manages to be the "bad" one. Hannibal Lecter has a sense of manners and a moral code, however twisted...

Jack Crawford (Scott Glen)

You Do Know JackJack Crawford is the head of the FBI's Behavioral Science Services. He's well-respected, and Clarice idolizes him as a father figure of sorts. A father who sends his daughter to int...

Dr. Frederick Chilton (Anthony Heald)

Doctor Who?It takes a special kind of man to be more unlikeable than a cannibalistic serial killer. By "special" we mean "awful," and this kind of man is Dr. Chilton, the know-it-all, self-congratu...

Catherine and Ruth Martin (Brooke Smith and Diane Baker)

Worst Aveeno Advertisement EverCatherine Martin is the "it" in the famous quote, "It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again." Maybe Buffalo Bill was an English major, because he...

Minor Characters

There are a few other little lambs who flesh out Starling's journey. BarneyA nurse at the state hospital, Barney's the one nice person there, putting a chair out for Clarice and giving her a brief...