
If you ever wondered if you would have been able to pass a literacy test, give this historical collection of tests a spin and see how you rank.
Movie or TV Productions

This 2014 film covers the voting rights marches that pushed Johnson and company to pass the Voting Rights Act. Give it a watch.

This TV drama, based on the play by the same name, dramatizes Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency, the fight for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the shift of Southern Democrats to the Republican Party.
Articles and Interviews

This Washington Post article explains what exactly the fallout of that contentious Supreme Court ruling was, and how it affected citizens' voting rights.

Conversely, this New York Times article discusses just how many teeth this act still has left after the ruling.

The New York Times' YouTube account gives a brief history of voting rights in the United States.

Here's a video of the speech, in case you'd rather see it live.