You don't get more "rules and order"-y than an actual law. The Voting Rights Act isn't a plea for humanity; this is a law, and has ironclad rules that must be followed.
Law and order, crime and punishment; read on for a more thorough breakdown of how these are at play.
Questions About Rules and Order
- What is the punishment for States caught suppressing the right to vote?
- What is the punishment for a private citizen caught suppressing the right to vote?
- How does this law legislate against loopholes?
- What voting requirements are explicitly outlawed by this act, and which aren't?
Chew on This
This law is a toolkit for the Federal government to ensure that the spirit of the law matches the letter of the law. No all-too-convenient workarounds here.
This law builds on a long-standing tension in United States legal history; federal laws can't be either ignored or legislated against by state laws.