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Author Videos
We may all be fools when it comes to love, but thankfully none of us will accidentally switch places with our twin brother and fall in love with our sister-in-law. Probably, anyway.
Achebe - Chinua Achebe Videos 3 videos
Books become classics because they either reflect on or influence the world around us. As was the casewith Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. Of...
All Okonkwo was asking for was a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Granted, swinging your machete around may not be the nicest way to ask, but still. The guy d...
Adler - Warren Adler Videos 1 videos
Entertainment that's also educational? We'll believe it when we read it, Shakespeare.
Amichai - Yehuda Amichai Videos 1 videos
Why would Yehuda Amichai write an entire book on the diameter of a bomb and the diameter of its range? Is he trying to convey a message? Is his boo...
Anderson - Laurie Halse Anderson Videos 1 videos
Angelou - Maya Angelou Videos 1 videos
In Maya Angelou's poem "Africa," she compares Africa's pain and struggles to a woman being brutalized. Why does she do this? Is it to draw sympathy...
Atwood - Margaret Atwood Videos 2 videos
This video discusses Margaret Atwood’s novel The Handmaid’s Tale, set in a negative utopia in which women have no control over the government o...
We like having rights, and we like not being genetically engineered or altered. Check out this video on three dystopian works to see why you simply...
Austen - Jane Austen Videos 4 videos
Meet Emma Woodhouse of Jane Austen's Emma. She’s a rich young woman with a good social life living in 18th-century England. We bet she has an aw...
Jane Austen wrote about fancy flirtations and picture-perfect proposals. We're guessing she wouldn't be a huge Fifty Shades of Grey fan. Publicly,...
Elizabeth thinks Darcy's a callous jerk; he thinks she’s a gold-digger. You know these two are just MFEO.
Bradbury - Ray Bradbury Videos 2 videos
Would would the world be like without books? Ray Bradbury tackles that question—and many more— in Fahrenheit 451. Go ahead; read it on your Kin...
We may be into the whole online education thing, but we love our books more than anything. So the thought of someone burning them? Or of a life wit...
Brontë - Charlotte Brontë Videos 2 videos
This video covers the plot of Jane Eyre, a novel by Charlotte Brontë. In it, Jane Eyre, an orphan-turned-governess with a miserable childhood fall...
When you're about to marry the love of your life, not many things could stop you. However, finding out that your future hubby is keeping his crazy...
Brontë - Emily Brontë Videos 3 videos
Check out this video to find out why Wuthering Heights should never be considered #relationshipgoals.
Heathcliff may not be as much of a romantic hero as Mr. Darcy, but you'll fall in love with him all the same. If you tend to love self-serving and...
When you're about to marry the love of your life, not many things could stop you. However, finding out that your future hubby is keeping his crazy...
Browning - Robert Browning Videos 2 videos
Hanging your wife's portrait above your fireplace? Romantic. Hanging it up after you've killed her? Not so much.
Carver - Raymond Carver Videos 1 videos
Can you imagine what it would be like to be without the gift of sight? In "Cathedral," the narrator helps a blind man envision a cathedral by guidi...
Chbosky - Stephen Chbosky Videos 2 videos
What are the perks of being a wallflower? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
So what are the perks of being a wallflower? Seriously—we're asking.
Chopin - Kate Chopin Videos 3 videos
In Kate Chopin's "The Story of an Hour," Louise Mallard has a rather peculiar response to the news of her husband's death: instead of mourning for...
Dig up your trench coat, grab your magnifying glass, and stick on that fake mustache (we know you have one): it's time to unleash your inner Sherlo...
This novel is all about finding yourself, which hopefully you can accomplish before you find yourself smack dab in the middle of an ocean without a...
Cisneros - Sandra Cisneros Videos 1 videos
Do we need creative arts to survive, or is logic enough? And how can The House on Mango Street help us decide? Check out this video to find out.
Coleridge - Samuel Taylor Coleridge Videos 2 videos
Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" is like one long drug trip. Don't try this at home.
Collins - Suzanne Collins Videos 8 videos
“Happy Hunger Games!” Or not. Katniss’s Hunger Games experiences left a not-so-happy effect on her. This video will prompt you to ponder if...
We volunteer you as tribute to watch this video analysis of Katniss in the second book of the Hunger Games series. After the berry suicide attempt...
It’s so upsetting when there's nothing good on TV. No celebrities dancing with trained professionals. No debonair bachelors handing out roses. No...
Conrad - Joseph Conrad Videos 2 videos
Everyone has that happy-go-lucky friend. The one who skips through life with a smile and believes everybody has a beautiful soul. We're guessing th...
What happens when Charles Marlow journeys up the Congo River? Who is Mr. Kurtz—is he really amazing or just a crazy weirdo? And what’s up with...
Crane - Stephen Crane Videos 1 videos
Stephen Crane wrote The Red Badge of Courage about the Civil War not long after the war had ended. And get this: he didn't even fight in the war. W...
Dickens - Charles Dickens Videos 6 videos
Meet Charles Darnay, the nobleman who spends more time on trial and in prison than attending balls and drinking expensive wine. Don't feel too bad...
It may be the best of times for Chuck Darnay, but it's pretty much constantly the worst of times for Sydney. Poor guy.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is about a young blacksmith boy (Pip) and his two dreams: becoming a gentleman and marrying the beautiful Est...
Dostoyevsky - Fyodor Dostoyevsky Videos 1 videos
Crime and Punishment is all about a boy killing for money, literally, and then spending the rest of the book trying to hide it. Although the book c...
Doyle - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Videos 1 videos
Why does Dr. Watson keep appearing in Sherlock Holmes's stories? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
Dumas - Alexandre Dumas Videos 1 videos
They say revenge is a dish best served cold. In our opinion, however, it should be popped into the microwave for about 30-45 seconds.
Eliot - T. S. Eliot Videos 2 videos
The Modernists thought the world had a lot of problems, and they were intent on fixing them—or at least talking about fixing them. Unfortunately,...
Ellison - Ralph Ellison Videos 1 videos
You’re one in a million, buddy. Er...actually, more like one meaningless speck in a sea of billions. Makes you feel kind of insignificant, right?...
Emerson - Ralph Waldo Emerson Videos 1 videos
It's called "Self-Reliance." What could it possibly be about?
Faulkner - William Faulkner Videos 2 videos
What? She gets a rose and we don’t? Who is this Emily person anyway? What’s she done to deserve such a delightful, aromatic gift?
A family goes on a quest to bury their family member. Yeah, sounds simple...except it never is. ‘Cause mom’s dead, and people have issues which...
Fitzgerald - F. Scott Fitzgerald Videos 4 videos
¿Por que es el 'Gran' Gatsby tan gran? ¿Porque de su nombre peculiar? ¿Porque de el misterio que le rodea? Se ha discutido esta pregunta por muc...
The Great Gatsby is set in and around New York City and Long Island. On the big L.I., there are two areas known as "West Egg" and "East Egg." East...
This video summarizes F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby goes from a rich party guy in love with a married woman to dead. W...
Frank - Anne Frank Videos 2 videos
She was just a girl who found herself in some unimaginably awful circumstances. If you feel like gaining some valuable perspective on the drama in...
Anne Frank thought of herself as a normal teenage girl, but the legacy she left through her diary was special and powerful.
Franklin - Benjamin Franklin Videos 1 videos
Maybe it's just us, but we don't like to put off our dreams. After all, who knows? Tomorrow night, we might not want to have hands that are giant m...
Frost - Robert Frost Videos 2 videos
Indecision may or may not be this man's biggest problem. All he can do is go left or right. It's not that big of a deal...or is it?
George - Jean Craighead George Videos 1 videos
In Julie of the Wolves, a girl is thrown into the wild, far away from civilization. Find out how she fares by watching this video.
Golding - William Golding Videos 2 videos
Are humans civilized, or are we just savages waiting to come out? William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies tackles that question.
Having a fancy title has always been on our to-do list, but somehow being Lord of the Flies doesn't sound all that glamorous.
Green - John Green Videos 1 videos
Have you ever read a book and thought, "Whoa, this sounds like my life"? If you feel that way about The Fault in Our Stars, you're in for some majo...
Hansberry - Lorraine Hansberry Videos 2 videos
This video summarizes the play A Raisin in the Sun. It discusses the Youngers, members of an African-American family trying to better themselves wh...
We know that snacking on some dry raisins in the beating hot sun doesn't sound like the most appetizing thing in the world. But stick with us and y...
Hawthorne - Nathaniel Hawthorne Videos 1 videos
Puritan adultery=big scarlet “A.” Puritan's know how to keep it simple. What’s not so simple? Hester Prynne’s adamant refusal to reveal who...
Heller - Joseph Heller Videos 1 videos
Hemingway - Ernest Hemingway Videos 3 videos
This video discusses the important ladies of The Sun Also Rises…make that the one important lady. Brett is the only major female character in the...
You might be hearing a chorus of farewells if you recommend A Farewell to Arms as the next read for your Fabulously Feisty Feminist Book Club.
The Old Man and the Sea was actually Hemingway's second title. His editor wouldn't let him use The Middle Aged Man and the Stubborn Fish.
Homer - Homer Videos 4 videos
Odysseus should have checked out How to Return Home from War for Dummies. Step One: Do not mess with the son of a god. Actually, no need to read on...
On his ten-year journey home from the Trojan War, Odysseus runs into everything from sirens to sea monsters to seductresses. Such is life when you...
Hosseini - Khaled Hosseini Videos 2 videos
Yes, there are kites. Yes, there are runners. No, despite how much we love running and flying kites, this isn't a happy story by any stretch of the...
Gee whiz! Running after kites sounds like so much fun! That's totally what this book is about, right? Nope. Hosseini's novel actually touches on su...
Hughes - Langston Hughes Videos 2 videos
Imagine if dreams really could come true. This is the question that Langston Hughes ponders in his poem "Dream Deferred."
Modernism was the happy, optimistic bandwagon that every writer just had to jump on. Okay, so only half of that statement is true. But we want you...
Hurston - Zora Neale Hurston Videos 3 videos
Their eyes may have been watching God, but we think we know who won that staring contest.
A great marriage begins with a blooming pear tree and ends with a hurricane, rabies, and a murder trial…or something like that.
Modernism was the happy, optimistic bandwagon that every writer just had to jump on. Okay, so only half of that statement is true. But we want you...
Huxley - Aldous Huxley Videos 4 videos
Brave New World is supposed be an exciting book about a negative utopia and the corrupt powers of authority. So where’s the big car chase? What's...
This video summarizes the plot of Brave New World from the point of view of John (you know, the “savage”). It covers the escapism, social casts...
The Modernists thought the world had a lot of problems, and they were intent on fixing them—or at least talking about fixing them. Unfortunately,...
Irving - Washington Irving Videos 1 videos
The title is pretty ironic when you consider how little sleep you'd be getting if you had a headless horseman chasing you.
Ives - David Ives Videos 1 videos
Your favorite hip hop artist's bumpin' slang may be off the chain, but no one has left a mark on the English language quite like Shakespeare did. T...
Jackson - Shirley Jackson Videos 1 videos
Three words: The Hunger Games. Wait, one more word: "scapegoat." Wait—oh, just watch the video already.
Kafka - Franz Kafka Videos 2 videos
Guy in a black leotard. In a cage. Not eating. Weird? Yes. Popular? Absolutely. Kafka's short story includes iconic artist-figures: a mouse singer...
We'd all like to think our families would accept us if we turned into giant bugs, but for Gregor Samsa, that was not quite the case.
Kesey - Ken Kesey Videos 2 videos
Who's really the crazy one in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
Think of this video as a how-to guide for not getting lobotomized. Practical? Maybe not. Entertaining? Um...
Kincaid - Jamaica Kincaid Videos 1 videos
"Girl," by Jamaica Kincaid, is a poem—er, a story... er... what is this thing? Either way, it's about a mother's advice to her daughter. And noth...
King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr. Videos 2 videos
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech has stood the test of time, and we think it always will.
Knowles - John Knowles Videos 1 videos
Have you ever pretended to be super happy for your BFF when they win an award when, really, you just wanted to rip it out of their undeserving, ung...
Larsson - Stieg Larsson Videos 1 videos
Lisbeth Salander is a tough nut to crack. Hero? Villain? Somewhere in the middle? We're not sure, but we're hesitant to accuse her of
Lawrence - D. H. Lawrence Videos 1 videos
Wouldn't it be nice to be rich, even if that wealth came at the cost of other things? If you answered yes, here's another question: what if that co...
Lee - Harper Lee Videos 6 videos
In To Kill a Mockingbird Scout is really, really not interested in learning about the so-called requirements of her gender. Even though she realize...
"Accidental racist?" Yup. Like the song. We're talking about the"oh, I didn't even know I thought that way" type of accident, not the "I totally di...
This video summarizes Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, as told by Scout, the daughter of Atticus, a civil rights attorney in the Deep So...
London - Jack London Videos 2 videos
A cheap shot at a bestseller or a deeper book with connections relevant to the human race? In The Call of the Wild, the protagonist is a dog named...
The Modernists thought the world had a lot of problems, and they were intent on fixing them—or at least talking about fixing them. Unfortunately,...
Lowry - Lois Lowry Videos 4 videos
Under what circumstances should people be allowed to lie? Is Annemarie's situation dire enough? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
In The Giver, society is completely conformist. Neutrality rules the day, and no emotion is good emotion. Lois Lowry's novel challenges the value o...
Ever wish you could remember everything that you ever studied? How about everything that everyone has ever studied? Yeah, pretty sure our brains ju...
Martel - Yann Martel Videos 2 videos
Life of Pi tells the story of a boy and a tiger trapped on a lifeboat for 227 days... or does it?
Sorry, guys: this novel doesn't follow the dramatic life events of pumpkin pie, nor does it explore what it truly means to be the mathematical cons...
Mathabane - Mark Mathabane Videos 1 videos
Kaffir Boy is the story of a young South African tennis player living under the restrictions of apartheid. He ends up going the self-preservation r...
Maupassant - Guy de Maupassant Videos 1 videos
How would you feel if you lost a diamond necklace that you borrowed? We don't know your life, but we'd feel pretty crappy about it. In "The Necklac...
McCarthy - Cormac McCarthy Videos 2 videos
Funny; we always feel like zombies after a weekend at Disneyland, too. Running from ride to ride from eight to midnight can really wear you down.
Robert Frost was a huge risk-taker. Instead of taking the more traveled path, he took the slightly overgrown one. Phew! Slow down, Rob; we can't ke...
Melville - Herman Melville Videos 2 videos
Moby-Dick - una ballena extraña. Nuestro amigo capitán Ahab la había perseguido para años, pero no es el mejor lider en el mundo. Piensas que p...
Miller - Arthur Miller Videos 4 videos
What is the American Dream? Is it popularity? Or is it being content with what you have? In Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, the American...
A salesman dies—sorry to ruin it for you. But in addition to giving away key plot points in the title, Arthur Miller also liked to make some pret...
The Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century. The Red Scare in the 1950s. Little to no evidence that witches/communists were anywhere close to taking...
Márquez - Gabriel García Márquez Videos 2 videos
A dead man floats to shore. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke or a horror movie, but wait: it gets weirder. He's super tall, super good-looki...
Neruda - Pablo Neruda Videos 1 videos
It's so nice when a poem is straight with you right from the get-go, isn't it? If more poems were this considerate, "The Road Not Taken" might have...
Orwell - George Orwell Videos 5 videos
Well, if this book doesn't make you want to tape over your laptop camera, we don't know what will.
By the end of this video, you will be brainwashed. There's nothing you can do about it; we just wanted to let you know. We like to think we're bigg...
How do you insult the Soviet Union and get away with it? Make them animals. (No one will ever know.) That was George Orwell's plan, and it worked....
Paulsen - Gary Paulsen Videos 1 videos
Plath - Sylvia Plath Videos 2 videos
Mirror, mirror on the wall, what site is the fairest of them all? What? Are you sure? Ugh, we want a refund.
The concept of using a Facebook profile as a personal diary began with Sylvia Plath. Sorry, Martha, but we really don't need to know that you had o...
Poe - Edgar Allan Poe Videos 4 videos
"The Telltale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe is the epitome of creepy. (We know we could say that about all of EAP's stories, but it's especially true f...
We know we say this for all of his stories, but here's Edgar Allan Poe at his creepiest. Well, if you don’t include that time you went into the b...
Pound - Ezra Pound Videos 2 videos
Modernism was meant to solve the world's problems, but some authors—Virginia Woolf and Ezra Pound, for example—had a few crises of their own.
The Modernists thought the world had a lot of problems, and they were intent on fixing them—or at least talking about fixing them. Unfortunately,...
Rand - Ayn Rand Videos 1 videos
Ayn (rhymes with "mine," ironically enough) Rand penned this cult classic over 50 years ago, but it still resonates with today's audiences. Our que...
Roth - Veronica Roth Videos 1 videos
In this sequel, your favorite characters from Divergent make life-altering choices as they try to stick it to the man. It might sound like your ave...
Salinger - J. D. Salinger Videos 2 videos
The Catcher in the Rye tells the story of Holden Caulfield’s Worst Weekend Ever, and this video tells the story of that story. From losing the fe...
Seuss - Dr. Seuss Videos 8 videos
There is certainly some deep meaning behind this guy's words. If he were ever to ask someone to borrow a cup of sugar, he was probably actually in...
You'd have to be a Grinch not to acknowledge what a huge effect Dr. Seuss had on all of us. Horton may have heard a Who, but hey... we heard it, t...
Dr. Seuss à la Shmoop. Here you will learn all about the Lorax, Horton, and the Cat in the Hat. And of course, we'll chat about Dr. Seuss. Or shou...
Shakespeare - William Shakespeare Videos 25 videos
We're not sure if good ol' Shakespeare would endorse The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, but that's not going to stop us from hosting themed viewing...
Aren't midsummer night dreams the worst? You wake up all sweaty and gross, and for a minute there, you can't even remember where you are. And also,...
How's Julius Caesar doing after that whole "assassination" thing? Well, he's taking it one day at a time.
Shelley - Mary Shelley Videos 12 videos
No HBO? Well then, how does a horror short story writing contest sound? And the winner is...drum roll, please...Mary Shelley. You go, girl. And tha...
This story goes as you might expect—a sprinkling of science, endless amounts of death and despair, and a whole lot of ugly monster. Oh joyous day!
GMOs. Now that’s a scary word. Or is it? Guess it’s time to ask ourselves: WWMST? ...For those of us who don’t constantly ask ourselves “wh...
Sophocles - Sophocles Videos 2 videos
Whenever you start regretting the choices you've made in your life, just review Oedipus' story, and you'll start feeling a heck of a lot better.
Did you hear the one about the guy who killed his dad and married his mom? Yeah, that’s not a joke, it’s Oedipus’ life. This video summarizes...
Steinbeck - John Steinbeck Videos 6 videos
The Grapes of Wrath is one of the longest—ahem, most important books in American literary history. But what's with the title?
Así que ... si las uvas de la ira se perdió demasiado tiempo, iban a convertirse en pasas de uva de la ira? Si es así, esto podría afectar seri...
So... if grapes of wrath sat out too long, would they become raisins of wrath? If so, this could seriously affect the entire mood of our bran flake...
Stockett - Kathryn Stockett Videos 2 videos
If you're still eating pie on a regular basis, you probably haven't read this book or seen the movie. If you have and it hasn't swayed you...well,...
Minny pulls quite a stunt in this story. Just try not to make a scene when Grandma Mimi won't tell you what her chocolate cream pie's "secret ingre...
Stoker - Bram Stoker Videos 11 videos
What is Dracula really about? Just Count Dracula? Or is there more to it than vampires? This video addresses some major ideas in Bram Stoker’s cl...
There are plenty of famous vampires that send chills up our spines, but Dracula was and still is the king of them all. No one else can touch him. N...
Readers may be already be familiar with Dracula, but what about the mathematician and author, Bram Stoker? And yes, he graduated with a degree in m...
Stowe - Harriet Beecher Stowe Videos 1 videos
Could one of America’s most famous anti-slavery books be racist? Well, the book’s offensive caricatures combined with today’s perspective on...
Swift - Jonathan Swift Videos 4 videos
And you thought a nymph was a naturally lovely woodland creature. To be fair, so did we. But boy did Jonathan Swift prove us wrong.
We were so moved by Angelina Jolie's overseas adoptions that we created a proposal to bring foreign-born children over by the thousands! Think abou...
Gulliver's Travels is a classic tale of adventure with a dash of what-the-heck-is-happening thrown in for good measure.
Tan - Amy Tan Videos 1 videos
When you think about it, chess could be a metaphor for just about anything, really.
Thomas - Dylan Thomas Videos 1 videos
Thoreau - Henry David Thoreau Videos 3 videos
Can you really learn about human nature by removing yourself from the company of other humans? Henry David Thoreau thought it was a possibility and...
If you really want to let your hair down, Walden Pond is the place for you...unless you like that hair to be clean and full of volume, because ther...
We've always wanted to go rogue and live alone in the forest, but then we realized that conversing with trees and rocks could get pretty one-sided.
Tolkien - J. R. R. Tolkien Videos 2 videos
One video to rule them all. One video to find them. One video to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. Or something like that. The Lord of...
Twain - Mark Twain Videos 5 videos
Should you ever find yourself on a raft, floating down the Mississippi River, you're going to want something to do. Reading Mark Twain's classic, T...
If you suddenly came into a bunch of money, you'd give it all away, right? Yeah, we figured.
Si alguna vez te encuentras en una balsa flotando en el río Mississippi, usted va a querer hacer algo. Lectura clásico de Mark Twain, Las aventur...
Updike - John Updike Videos 1 videos
Three scantily clad young girls enter a store. No, this isn’t your grandfather about to tell an inappropriate joke. And no, you’re not watching...
Virgil - Virgil Videos 2 videos
Pious Aeneas goes from minor character in the Trojan War to founder of Rome, the city that conquered the world, meetin' ladies and experiencing maj...
Pious Aeneas strikes again. This time, with more destiny and hand-to-hand combat! (Of course, since we're talking about Aeneas, he's still harping...
Vonnegut - Kurt Vonnegut Videos 1 videos
We wish the Tralfamadorians were as fun as they sound. But unfortunately, they're your garden variety kidnap-humans-and-torture-them type of alien.
Vyasa - Vyasa Videos 1 videos
The Mahabha-what-now? Although you may not be as familiar with this epic text as you are with the Bible, it's just as famous in other parts of the...
Walker - Alice Walker Videos 2 videos
In The Color Purple, Celie is abused by her father and husband. She leaves her father by marrying Mr. ________, and then leaves Mr. ______, too. Bu...
If you're looking for this one at the library, we suggest looking between The Color Red and The Color Blue.
Watkins - Maurine Dallas Watkins Videos 1 videos
Wiesel - Elie Wiesel Videos 4 videos
This was Barack Obama’s original campaign slogan, but it didn’t test all that well with the voters.
In this memoir, Eliezer struggles with his relationship with his father during the Holocaust.
If you associate "night" with darkness and depression and danger…then maybe you're not the happiest person to be around when the sun goes down. B...
Wilde - Oscar Wilde Videos 3 videos
Look, we get that you really like that one selfie with the makeup filter, but don't get this carried away about it, okay? Also, put your tongue bac...
Oscar Wilde was a beast when it came to wordplay. Oh, maybe that's why Shmoop loves him so much—we're pretty wilde, too.
They say that honesty is the best policy, but Jack lies about his identity and still gets the girl. Does that mean we should all lie to get what we...
Wilder - Thornton Wilder Videos 1 videos
Woolf - Adeline Virginia Woolf Videos 1 videos
Zusak - Markus Zusak Videos 1 videos
In Markus Zusak's The Book Thief, Death narrates the story of one girl who lived during the Holocaust. Not surprisingly, it's kind of a downer—bu...