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Life of Pi tells the story of a boy and a tiger trapped on a lifeboat for 227 days... or does it?
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Sorry, guys: this novel doesn't follow the dramatic life events of pumpkin pie, nor does it explore what it truly means to be the mathematical constant 3.14. As it turns out, it's actually a story about Bengal tigers and orangutans at sea. Why wasn't that your first guess?
- 00:05
Life of Pi, a la Shmoop. My parents named me Piscine<<pee-scene>> Molitor
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Patel, after a famous swimming pool in France.
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Since my first name sounds like a naughty word, however, you can call me Pi.
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I grew up in India's Pondicherry district, where my parents owned a zoo.
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As it turns out, I wasn't the only oddly named creature in Pondicherry. The zoo's tiger was
Full Transcript
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called Richard Parker. But more about him later.
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I was raised Hindu in India but, as a teenager, I decided to become a follower of Christianity
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and Islam, too. I didn't feel conflicted about this at all. Someone get me a Nobel Peace
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Prize. A few issues with the Indian government led
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my father to sell the zoo and pack his wife, sons, and animals up on a freighter bound
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for Canada.
- 01:04
Things went awry a few days out from the Philippines. A massive storm hit, and the ship sank.
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I escaped in a lifeboat, along with a hyena, a zebra, and an orangutan. Sounds like the
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beginning of a joke, doesn't it? Well, my situation was far from funny. The
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hyena killed the zebra and the orangutan, and I feared it would come for me next...
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...when Richard Parker the tiger jumped out from under a tarp and killed the hyena.
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Thank you for your help, Richard Parker, but would you mind terribly if I stay over here
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on my homemade raft?
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Because I'd spent my life at the zoo, I was able to train Richard Parker not to attack
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me. Eventually, I moved over on to the lifeboat, and took up residence with my Bengal tiger
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roommate. This is the bit where stuff got weird, although
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you might get weird, too, if you were stuck on a lifeboat with nothing but a giant, carnivorous
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cat for company.
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I became so worn down by the elements that I lost my sight and couldn't fish.
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I started talking to someone, a meat-eating someone, who I thought was Richard Parker
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but then thought was another survivor on a different lifeboat.
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When I invited the other survivor aboard, he tried to attack to me, but Richard Parker
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ate him. Lots of eating people in this book, isn't there?
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My feline BFF and I ran into some meerkats and carnivorous plants...
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...and then, finally, at long last, we hit a Mexican beach.
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Richard Parker ran off into the jungle without so much as a farewell. Typical cat behavior.
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I ended up recovering from my ordeal in a Mexican hospital, where I got to watch tele-novellas
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and soccer all day.
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Two officials showed up with questions about what had happened. I told them everything,
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about the hyena and the zebra and the orangutan and Richard Parker and the mystery cannibal
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and the meerkats.
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They told me I was full of it. So, I told them a completely different story.
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After the ship sunk, I ended up on the lifeboat with the ship's cook, a sailor with a broken
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leg, and my mom.
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The cook amputated the sailor's leg to use for fish bait, but then killed the sailor
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and my mother. You'd think I would have been toast, but no.
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I killed the cook, and then I ate him. Who's the tiger now?
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I pointed out that I couldn't prove either story, and that neither tale explained why
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the freighter went down in the storm.
- 03:59
When I asked the officials which story they preferred to believe, they chose the one with
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the animals, because of course. I wouldn't choose the tale with cannibalism, either.
- 04:10
And then I moved to Canada, where I lived happily ever after and never had to worry
- 04:13
about getting eaten by another human being again, eh?
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