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Kafka - Franz Kafka Videos 2 videos
Guy in a black leotard. In a cage. Not eating. Weird? Yes. Popular? Absolutely. Kafka's short story includes iconic artist-figures: a mouse singer...
The Metamorphosis 65827 Views
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We'd all like to think our families would accept us if we turned into giant bugs, but for Gregor Samsa, that was not quite the case.
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The Metamorphosis a la Shmoop: A Bug’s Life Let’s talk about change for a minute.
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Nice… but we meant this kind of change. Change may not be the easiest thing in the
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world. . .
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. . .as this guy could tell you. . .
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. . .but sometimes. . . it’s a good thing. Unfortunately, for poor Gregor. . .
Full Transcript
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. . .it’s not one of those times. So, why did Kafka turn our hero into a giant
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bug? Was Gregor’s transformation into a cockroach.
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. .
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. . .a stand-in for Kafka’s own feelings of being alienated in life?
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Maybe… Kafka was a Jew…
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. . .and Anti-Semites actually referred to Jews as Ungeziefer <un-getz-ee-fer>. . .
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. . .Kafka’s original word defining Gregor’s new form.
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Just because English translations use “bug” or
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“insect” . . .
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. . .doesn’t mean that Kafka wasn’t trying to make a point.
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Another popular theory. . .
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. . .is that Gregor’s transformation into a disgusting bug. . .
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. . .was to symbolize how workers in our capitalistic society were being dehumanized.
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To put it another way, people were feeling small and unappreciated. . .
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. . .kind of like… you guessed it. Since bugs don’t have thoughts or feelings.
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. .
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. . .they can easily be squashed without guilt.
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Heck, even Gregor’s loving sister, his own flesh and blood, wanted him gone.
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But here’s something else to chew on.
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Gregor didn’t seem all that unhappy being a cockroach.
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Maybe Kafka meant his story to be about the refusal to conform.
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Gregor hated his boring job. . .
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. . .and found a way to get out of doing it.
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Okay, so he did die in the end. . .
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But the only reason he shipped off to cockroach heaven. . .
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. . . was because somebody else had a problem with his new look.
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So, what was Kafka trying to say? Was that giant insect supposed to awaken our
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feelings of alienation. . .
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. . .make us think about the dehumanization of the species. . .
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. . .or just point out the joys of doing our own thing?
- 02:05
Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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