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A&P (John Updike) 19316 Views
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Three scantily clad young girls enter a store. No, this isn’t your grandfather about to tell an inappropriate joke. And no, you’re not watching a Carl’s, Jr.® commercial. We're talking about John Updike's short story "A&P." In this story, the protagonist quits his job. Was it in hot pursuit of the ladies? Was he embarrassed of his cashier job? Or was it something else?
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A&P, a la Shmoop. The sight of a pretty girl has been known
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to cause traffic accidents…
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…maybe the occasional hot-coffee-down-the-front-of-the-shirt…
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…but it doesn’t usually result in someone abandoning their job.
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Even Clinton stuck it out. But in John Updike’s short story A&P…
Full Transcript
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…that is precisely what happens.
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His protagonist, Sammy, is one smitten kitten.
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One second, he’s ringing up customers in his grocery store, going about business as
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…and the next second, he’s hanging up his apron for good.
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His decision was certainly prompted by the arrival of the three scantily-clad bikini
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…but what was the REAL reason for Sammy to vamoose?
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Did he think he might have a shot with “Queenie” or one of her friends…
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…but only if he didn’t work at the A&P?
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He looks for them in the parking lot after exiting the store, which seems to support
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the idea that he was looking to… hook it up.
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Of course, quitting his job made him unemployed, which is not something that generally works
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with the ladies, so… maybe he should have thought that one through a little better.
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But it could be that he was simply ashamed of what he was doing with his life…
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…and wanted to show the objects of his affection that he was a changed man.
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But maybe Sammy was a tad more realistic than that. Is it possible Sammy quit simply because
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he was enraged at how Lengel, the manager, treated them?
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He could just be a man of principle… someone who isn’t going to stand idly by while a
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few innocent…ish girls get reamed by some crotchety grump.
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Was this just his way of taking a stand for human decency?
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Or was the way that the girls flaunted their freedom… inspiring to Sammy?
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We don’t know all that much about our hero, but we get the sense that he feels trapped…
- 02:29 a dead end job, that probably isn’t very fulfilling.
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Not unless he truly gets his kicks by heating up hot dogs.
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When Sammy saw these girls, not playing by the rules…
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…uninhibited by the boundaries set by society…
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…perhaps it just suddenly jolted him out of his living sleepwalk.
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So why did Sammy give his job the ol’ heave-ho?
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Was he freeing his inner playa?
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Taking a stand against jerks everywhere?
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Or saying “good riddance” to The Man? Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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