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Identify and Interpret Details Videos 34 videos
ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading 1.6 Prose Fiction. What happens to the caul with which the narrator is born?
ACT Reading 2.10 Prose Fiction. Which of the following words best describes the narrator's behavior in this passage?
ACT Reading 2.2 Humanities Passage 203 Views
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ACT Reading 2.2 Humanities Passage. Based on information from the passage, how did Schumann meet his wife?
- 00:04
Here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by Ignatz Moscheles.
- 00:12
Did we pronounce that right? Eh, probably not.
- 00:36
Based on information from the passage, how did Schumann meet his wife?
- 00:46
If we're not totally sure about this one, we might have to go back and reread the passage a bit.
- 00:50
One trick is to use the dates given to us to quickly zoom in on the places we need to fact check.
Full Transcript
- 00:55
Dates stand out from all the words in the passage, so it's easy to go straight to
- 00:58
them without having to do a lot of rereading.
- 01:01
And you thought you'd never be happy to see numbers...
- 01:03
Using our patented date-zoom method, we can swiftly eliminate choice (B).
- 01:07
The passage clearly tells us that the big event for little Schumann was seeing a performance
- 01:12
by the amazing pianist Ignatz Moscheles.
- 01:16
Now it's time to apply our date-zoom method to choice (A).
- 01:19
This takes us to line 61, which tells us that 1844 was the year that Schumann and his pianist
- 01:24
wife, Clara, kicked off a big European tour. It'd be pretty weird if they hadn't met before this.
- 01:29
Really weird. We're sure we can take (A) out of the running.
- 01:32
So now we're down to choices (C) or (D).
- 01:34
If we skim back from line 61, we see that line 54 tells us that Clara Wieck <<veek>>
- 01:39
was the daughter of Schumann's piano teacher, who he would one day make his wife.
- 01:43
This proves (C) is the right answer, knocking (D) out of the running.
- 01:46
That's a good two-for-one deal: piano lessons and a wife.
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