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ACT Reading Prose Fiction Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following best describes the overall purpose of this passage?
ACT Reading 2.10 Prose Fiction. Which of the following words best describes the narrator's behavior in this passage?
ACT Reading 1.6 Prose Fiction 259 Views
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ACT Reading 1.6 Prose Fiction. What happens to the caul with which the narrator is born?
- 00:03
Holy Shmoop, Batman... we have another question for you...
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You might've read this already, but just hit pause if you want to check it out again...
- 00:30
What happens to the caul with which the narrator is born?
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And here are some potential answers...
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If we don't remember the answer to this one, all we've got to do is go back and
Full Transcript
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read through the passage quickly.
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We have to make sure we read thoroughly, though, because there might be some tricky choices here.
- 00:53
If we found this sentence...
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Then we know that the answer has to be A. It outright says that an old lady won the
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caul, so there you go, you're done!
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Let's zoom through the other answers, though,just to see why they're wrong.
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B might fool us because the caul was once advertised and not sold.
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The lady came along a few years later and bought it, though, so B is wrong.
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C is just totally incorrect. The passage never says anything about the mother keeping it.
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D is another tricky one, because an attorney did almost buy it.
- 01:31
So, there you have it. A it is. As in "Are you wondering what a caul is?"
- 01:37
There, think about that for the rest of the day.
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