

Character Role Analysis


Savvy doesn't rely too much on jerks to keep the story moving—Mibs and her friends tend to find trouble pretty easily on their own—but there are a couple people who tangle up things for the gang, and actively try to make life more difficult.

Ozzie is Lill's boss, and he totally has it out for her. We could understand being upset that Lill is late to work, but it's inexcusable to make her pick up the money from her last paycheck off the floor. Ozzie gets his come-uppance when the kids knock him over, and everyone cheers Lester's courage for stealing the last banana cream pie.

Carlene is the antagonist to one of our sidekicks throughout the book. She's mean as Lester's tattoo, but as a real person she's even meaner. All Carlene tries to do is bully and shame Lester into doing what she wants, and she even calls the police on Lester and the gang and then locks Samson up in the panels of her trailer. Ugh all around with this lady.