Ready Player One Chapter 2 Quotes

Ready Player One Chapter 2 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

The real public school system, the one run by the government, had been an underfunded, overcrowded train wreck for decades. (2.23)

We're not sure if all the good teachers just moved over to the OASIS and let the public school system continue to decay, or if a few stayed behind to try and fight the noble fight for education. Either way, we're starting to realize that Wade's beefs with the real world sound a lot like some of the political discourse we're hearing today.

No one could even touch me. In [the OASIS], I was safe. (2.26)

Safety is a big priority for Wade, and is probably the main word he would use to define a "home." But is any place really safe? Even in the OASIS, very real dangers surface—it's just that their consequences affect the real world, rather than the virtual one.

My only plan after graduation was to become a full-time gunter. (2.12)

What would he have done if the egg were found by someone else? Unlike his idols, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who dropped out of school and became technology gods, this plan has a serious flaw in it, in that its success is dependent on the creations of others.