Ready Player One Chapter 5 Summary

How It All Goes Down


  • Fasten your seatbelts for another exposition-heavy chapter. 
  • This time, Wade's in Advanced OASIS Studies class, but he knows more than the teacher. Here's what he teaches us:
  • (1) James Halliday's life story. Get the scoop in our "Characters" section.
  • (2) Halliday's best friend, Ogden Morrow, also gets a quick bio in this chapter. We hate to break it to you, but if you want it, you've gotta work for it: head on over to the "Characters" section once more.
  • (3) Wade also tells us more about OASIS and "the dawn of a new era, one where the human race now spent all their free inside a videogame" (5.42). If you want more, visit the "Setting" section.