Immortality Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'Perhaps [Lestat] was incapable of dying... perhaps he is, and we are... truly immortal?'" (2.22)

One of the reasons there are so many questions about immortality is that Lestat never gives any answers. The rub is that he doesn't know, either. There is no vampire manual.

Quote #8

"'We all die,' he answered her. 'The one thing you share with every mortal is death.'" (3.81)

Why are we talking about immortality when it's clear that even vampires die? Maybe the politically correct term would be "differently mortal"? Even so, if no one actually kills a vampire, then what happens? What makes immortality impossible in that case?

Quote #9

"'Monsters! To give me immortality in this hopeless guise, this helpless form!'" (3.309)

Immortality is definitely a curse for Claudia, because she is forced to spend all her years inside a child's body. Would you want to live forever if it meant that you had to be dependent on an adult for eternity?