Hate Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'I don't like them. [...] I've searched for them the world over, and I despise them!'" (3.231)

Poor Claudia can't get a break. After finding the European vampires, Claudia realizes they're not going to share their secrets with her. They don't trust her, and they have no qualms about killing a vampire they don't trust. Hmm… they're kind of like her in that regard, don't you think?

Quote #8

"'If you knew how [Armand] drinks death you'd hate him more than you ever hated Lestat.'" (3.248)

Claudia hates Armand because he's trying to steal Louis away from her. Here she's trying to manipulate Louis into hating Armand, too. The irony is that she's right. If Louis could stop being blinded by love for more than a few minutes, he might see how evil Armand really is.

Quote #9

"'Lestat I never loved. But you! The measure of my hatred is that love. They are the same! You know now how much I hate you!'" (3.311)

There's a fine line between love and hate, and it seems that Claudia walks that tightrope when it comes to Louis. Maybe to her, both love and hate are basically the same, since they're the only emotions she's capable of feeling.