Good vs. Evil Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I grabbed him on the very steps to the Communion rail and pulled him down to face me there and snap my teeth into his neck." (1.647)

Well, if there was any question as to whether or not Louis is capable of evil, here's your proof. When Louis devours a priest in the middle of the church, it's pretty clear that he is capable of unholy acts.

Quote #8

"It struck me suddenly what consolation it would be to know Satan, to look upon his face, no matter how terrible that countenance was, to know that I belonged to him totally, and thus put to rest forever the torment of this ignorance." (2.6)

We've heard that there is a difference between what is right and what is easy. (Thanks for the quote, Dumbledore!) This implies that "easy" is bad. The easiest way for Louis to put his spiritual torment to rest is to side with evil.

Quote #9

"'For all I do know... [God] doesn't exist.'

'Then no sin matters,' [Armand] said. 'No sin achieves evil.'" (3.164-3.165)

Vampires aren't evil. Or maybe they are. Armand's roundabout logic answers nothing, but he is very good at talking in circles. Is this kind of roundabout excuse-making actually evil?