Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Quote #7

[Indy backhands Short Round.]

The heart-pulling scene is shocking, but seeing Indy, our hero, hit Short Round in the face is even more shocking. It rolls together violence against children with the startling betrayal of Indy going to the dark side, even if just temporarily.

Quote #8

[Guard is crushed by a steamroller.]

It's difficult to tell if Indy tries to rescue the guard who is being pulled into the rock crusher, or if he is just trying to get away and not get pulled in with him. Both this guard and the guard strangled in the ceiling fan are accidental deaths. Indy doesn't kill them purposefully in such a gruesome manner. Perhaps Spielberg doesn't want us to see Indy as a ruthless killer, but it's hard to forget the flaming-kebab-through-the-chest scene at the beginning of the film.

Quote #9

[Mola Ram is torn apart by crocodiles.]

Although the villains of Raiders of the Lost Ark die a gruesome death—getting their skin melted off by the Ark of the Covenant—it's almost instantaneous. Not Mola Ram. Not only does he falls down the side of a cliff, bouncing off it in a way that defies physics, but he also crashes into a river and is torn apart by crocodiles. No mercy for Mola Ram.