I Am the Cheese Memory and The Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He didn't want to pick up the burden of remembering any longer. He wanted to coast awhile, float, not let it matter, drift. (13.7)

When is remembering a burden for Adam? When does it seem to come more easily for him?

Quote #5

The empty spaces were filled, the terrifying blanknesses that loomed before him sometimes at night in the darkness and he'd wake up, not knowing who he was or where he was. In the talking, the blank spots were filled in. (13.9)

Adam is almost giving us some good essay-writing advice here. He has trouble remembering, filling in the empty spaces, but when he begins to talk through things, more of his memories appear. When you write an essay, if you ever feel stuck, try this tactic: just keep writing. Maybe the next paragraph you write will be silly, but it might spark another idea, which will spark another, which will be Nobel Prize worthy. It's worth a shot.

Quote #6

A: Why can't I remember? Why can I remember just so much, a little at a time?
T: Do you suppose it's because you really don't want to remember?
A: But I do, I do.
T: Perhaps one part of you wants to remember and another part doesn't. (15.5)

Which part of Adam wants to remember these horrific memories? How does this tie in with the theme of identity?