
Quiz yourself on each of the books in the Harry Potter series.

A fan site looks at the origins of names of spells, people, creatures, and places found in the Harry Potter series.

Check out what J.K. Rowling has to say about her work.

Find out on this handy pronunciation guide.

Confused about who's who? Can't remember who's a Gryffindor and who's a Hufflepuff? What that doodad is? Need a love potion? This will help you.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Harry Potter books. Check out the Wizard Atlas, the Quidditch Handbook, visit the Bestiary, get a Visitor's Tour of Hogwarts, or brush up on your Magical Theory and Muggle Studies. The Lexicon also has a massive encyclopedia of people, places, spells, potions, and more.

Check out a list of the differences between Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the UK and US versions.

Check out this timeline of how the Harry Potter series came to be.

Find out more about Mary GrandPre, the illustrator of all of the Harry Potter books.

Here, you'll find a calendar that accounts for every event in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Movie or TV Productions

The official movie site for Harry Potter 6.

IMDB walks you through each of the Harry Potter films.

Watch J.K. Rowling's speech given at Harvard University's commencement on June 5th of 2008.

Watch an excerpt from a documentary about J.K. Rowling.

Watch an interview with J.K. Rowling.

J.K. Rowling reads from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

Watch an interview with J.K. Rowling on 60 Minutes.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie trailer.

Purchase and download the Audiobook from Random House Audio.

The New York Times reviews Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on July 31st, 2005.

Famed critic Michiko Kakutani reviews Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on July 16th, 2005.

Read a 2003 interview with J. K. Rowling.

We don't need a picture to help us imagine the castle, but if we did, this one would do the trick.

A Mary GrandPre illustration of Harry

A Mary GrandPre illustration of Voldemort.

An illustration of Hagrid, carrying Harry.

A picture of the writer herself.

The New York Times provides a slideshow of fans around the world receiving their copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the first time.

Check out the different covers of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from around the world.