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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Characters

Meet the Cast

Harry Potter

(Click the character infographic to download.)Harry Potter has had loads of experience with not being believed. Let's take a tour through the first four books, shall we? Book 1: Harry insists that...

Ron Weasley

(Click the character infographic to download.)After the strain on their friendship during Book 4 and the Triwizard Tournament, things between Harry and Ron are mostly back to normal. While Ron is a...

Hermione Granger

(Click the character infographic to download.)In a lot of ways, Hermione is the anti-Harry in this book. She's mature, thoughtful, and perceptive. And, as always, she's darned smart. When Harry get...

Dolores Umbridge

When we first meet Dolores Umbridge, she is sitting at the right hand of Fudge during Harry's hearing for use of magic as an underage wizard. As Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic, she...

Sirius Black

(Click the character infographic to download.)Sirius Black is Harry's godfather. Sirius is also a convicted murderer of thirteen people and a confirmed Death Eater. Except, of course, as we discove...

Albus Dumbledore

(Click the character infographic to download.)In Books 1 through 4, Professor Dumbledore has been like a grandfather figure to Harry. Twinkly-eyed and (apparently) all-knowing, Dumbledore has alway...


(Click the character infographic to download.)In Book 5, the war against Voldemort is spent mostly in limbo. We know that Voldemort is back because Harry saw him rise at the end of Book 4; however,...

Neville Longbottom

(Click the character infographic to download.) When we started the series in Book 1, Neville Longbottom was a lovable loser. He’s kind of clumsy and forgetful, and has a tendency to lose things,...

Luna Lovegood

(Click the character infographic to download.) Luna Lovegood is a fifth year whom Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny meet on the train to Hogwarts at the outset of the novel. She is a Ravenclaw, but s...

Ginny Weasley

(Click the character infographic to download.)Ginny is the youngest Weasley child. She's fourteen now – a year below Harry, Ron, and Hermione. In her first year at Hogwarts in Book 2, her crush o...


Avery is a Death Eater present at the Department of Mysteries at the end of the novel. He also has been trying to help Voldemort get the prophecy throughout this year. Once Rookwood escapes Azkaban...


Bane is a wild-looking centaur who really, truly, profoundly hates humans. He hates humans so much that he wants to kill Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid the night they all go to visit Grawp for the fir...

Professor Binns

Professor Binns is a ghost who teaches History of Magic. Besides being terribly boring, he doesn't have much of a character – which we guess is fair, because anyone who dies and then chooses to k...

Alphard Black

Alphard was Sirius's uncle. He left Sirius a fair amount of money so that, when Sirius ran away from home at sixteen, he could support himself. When Sirius and Harry look at the Black family tree,...

Regulus Black

Regulus Black is Sirius's younger brother. We don't actually see anything of him in Book 5, but we learn that he appears to have followed in his family's footsteps much more than Sirius. He joined...

The Bloody Baron

The Bloody Baron is the Slytherin ghost. He is a rather intimidating ghost covered in silvery, spectral blood. He seems to be the only person in all of Hogwarts (including Professor Dumbledore) who...

Broderick Bode

Harry passes Bode in the Ministry of Magic on his way to his hearing. He observes that Bode is "a sallow-skinned wizard with a very mournful face" (7.141). Mr. Weasley comments that Bode is an Unsp...

Amelia Bones

Amelia Bones is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She is also the one who is overseeing Harry's hearing for the use of underage magic. Tonks reassures Harry that, "Amelia Bones...

Susan Bones

Susan is a member of the D.A. During their first real meeting, Susan asks Harry if he can perform a "corporeal Patronus" – a Patronus charm that has a physical body. Of course, Harry can. He's be...

Lavender Brown

Lavender is a Gryffindor fifth year girl. Like her friend Parvati, she adores astrology and worships Professor Trelawney. But she has even less to do in Book 5 than Parvati does. She does go along...

Millicent Bulstrode

Millicent is a "large Slytherin girl" (33.161) who joins the Inquisitorial Squad. When Professor Umbridge catches Harry and Hermione in her office, Millicent Bulstrode holds Hermione firmly against...

Cho Chang

(Click the character infographic to download.) In Book 4, J.K. Rowling introduces us to Harry Potter's hormones. He gets a crush on Cho Chang, the fifth year Ravenclaw Seeker. He tries to invite he...

Michael Corner

Michael Corner is a Ravenclaw student, member of the D.A. – and Ginny's boyfriend for about half of Book 5. He seems like a decent enough guy, but his very presence totally freaks out Ron. When H...

Vincent Crabbe

Crabbe is the second of Draco's two huge hangers-on. He doesn't seem to have any more smarts, initiative, or drive than his buddy Goyle has. They both do whatever Draco tells them to do, which make...


We know that Hogwarts student Vincent Crabbe's Death Eater father must have been in the Department of Mysteries at the end of the book because Lucius Malfoy calls him by name. So Crabbe is creating...

Roger Daviese

Roger Davies is a seventh year Ravenclaw Quidditch player. When Harry has his disastrous date with Cho Chang on Valentine's Day, Harry notices Roger Davies making out with a girl at a table near th...


Dawlish is an Auror who accompanies Fudge when Fudge comes to Hogwarts to find out more about the D.A. Dawlish is also part of the group of Aurors who ambush Hagrid in his cottage in the dead of ni...

Dedalus Diggle

Dedalus Diggle is one of the Order members who shows up at the Dursleys' house to escort Harry to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place in the early chapters of Book 5. This is actually his second appeara...


(Click the character infographic to download.)Dobby the house-elf first appears in Book 2, when he is still serving the Malfoy family. At the end of the novel, Harry manages to trick Lucius Malfoy...

Antonin Dolohov

Dolohov, "a wizard with a long, pale, twisted face" (25.4) is one of the ten Death Eaters who escapes from Azkaban in Book 5. He has been convicted of "the brutal murders of Gideon and Fabian Prewe...

Petunia Dursley

(Click the character infographic to download.) Harry's Aunt Petunia has no magical ability and she thinks her nephew is a freak as a result. She and her husband have "raised" Harry since he was a b...

Vernon Dursley

(Click the character infographic to download.)Uncle Vernon is a violent bully. He is petty and abusive to Harry just because he finds Harry's magical skill to be offensive and freakish. In the firs...

Dudley Dursley

(Click the character infographic to download.)Dudley is Harry's cousin. His parents spoil him horribly and regularly encourage him to bully Harry. Dudley also has a circle of hangers-on who spend m...

Marietta Edgecombe

Marietta Edgecombe continues the lesson that we have learned from both the Weasley and Malfoy families: we are often (but not always) the direct products of our parents. It turns out that Marietta'...

The Fat Friar

The Hufflepuff ghost. It is the Fat Friar who informs Ernie Macmillan that the Hogwarts Headmaster's office won't allow Professor Umbridge inside.

Mrs. Figg

We've known about Mrs. Figg since Book 1, when we find out that she is an elderly woman living near the Dursleys who loves cats and sometimes babysits Harry. She just seems like a one-off joke char...

Argus Filch

Argus Filch is the caretaker of Hogwarts. He also absolutely hates children. He is a Squib, like Mrs. Figg, but since he spends most of his life surrounded by gifted wizarding children, his hatred...


Firenze is a centaur from the Forbidden Forest. He has agreed to help Professor Dumbledore in resisting Voldemort. But by choosing to join with Professor Dumbledore, a human, the rest of his herd h...

Mundungus Fletcher

Mundungus Fletcher always has a slight air of filth around him: when Harry encounters Mundungus back at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, Harry sees him pulling out a "grimy" (5.23) black pipe that s...

Professor Filius Flitwick

Professor Flitwick teaches Charms and heads up Ravenclaw House. Like Professors McGonagall and Sprout, he chooses to quietly resist Professor Umbridge's reign of terror. When Harry prints his inter...

Seamus Finnegan

Harry and Seamus have been sharing a dorm room since their first year at Hogwarts, which is why it surprises Harry so much to find out that Seamus seems to believe the Daily Prophet's claim that Ha...


Fortescue is a portrait of a "corpulent, red-nosed wizard on the wall behind Dumbledore's desk" (27.158). When Professor McGonagall realizes that Professor Umbridge promised to dismiss Willy Widder...

Cornelius Fudge

Cornelius Fudge is another bumbling, minor character (like Mrs. Figg) who takes on new characteristics in Book 5. He is Minister for Magic and thus, head of the wizarding government in Britain. He...


Golgomath is the new leader of the giants after he defeats Karkus in battle. Physical strength means power in the giant world, clearly – and elections appear to be a lot tougher than in the human...

Gregory Goyle

Goyle is one of Draco's two hulking henchmen. He is a Slytherin fifth year, and he is basically Draco's muscle. Goyle's father is also a Death Eater whom Harry called out in his Quibbler interview,...


Grawp is the reason that Hagrid spends most of the year turning up in class with black eyes and bloody noses. He is Hagrid's giant half-brother. At sixteen feet tall, Grawp is shrimpy – for a gia...

Professor Grubbly-Plank

Professor Grubbly-Plank is Hagrid's regular substitute teacher of Care of Magical Creatures. When Hagrid is missing for the first two months of the school year, Professor Grubbly-Plank steps in. Sh...

Rubeus Hagrid

(Click the character infographic to download.)Hagrid is the groundskeeper and Care of Magical Creatures instructor at Hogwarts. He is the loveliest person you can imagine: generous, kind, honest, a...

Angelina Johnson

Angelina Johnson is an older Gryffindor girl. She has taken over as Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team now that Oliver Wood has left the school to start his professional Quidditch career. She...

Lee Jordan

Lee is a Gryffindor sixth year who is also close friends with Fred and George Weasley. He announces the Quidditch games and generally participates in many of the twins' pranks. It later turns out t...


When Hagrid and Madame Maxine first find the giants in France, they meet with the chief Karkus. He doesn't speak English, but he has translators. He seems impressed with the gifts Dumbledore has se...


(A quick 411 on house-elves: they generally work as servants to the older wizarding families. They are bound to the masters, to whom they have absolute loyalty. They can only be freed if their mast...

Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange, like her sister Narcissa Malfoy, was a Black before she married Rodolphus Lestrange. She is Sirius's cousin. In Book 4, Harry watched the trial where Bellatrix was convicted of...

Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart is Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. An incredibly puffed-up, self-serving, conceited idiot, Lockhart tries to cast a Memory Charm...

Frank and Alice Longbottom

Frank and Alice Longbottom were Aurors (Dark wizard fighters) who were tortured to insanity at the end of the last war against Voldemort. They have left behind one son, Neville, who is being raised...

Remus Lupin

(Click the character infographic to download.)Remus Lupin is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and Sirius's best (surviving) friend. We don't see much of him during Book 5, though he often stays...

Ernie Macmillan

Ernie is the Hufflepuff fifth year prefect. He is a member of the D.A. His main characteristic is that he is extremely pompous: he's always talking as though he's making a speech. But he absolutely...

Walden Macnair

Macnair is a brutal Death Eater. We have met him before: he has been employed by the Ministry for Magic, and he was called upon to execute Buckbeak the hippogriff at the end of Book 3. Macnair is t...


Magorian is a centaur. He has a chestnut horse body, "a proud, high-cheekboned face and long black hair" (30.203). He is a member of Firenze's former herd and one of its apparent leaders. While Mag...

Draco Malfoy

(Click the character infographic to download.)Draco Malfoy has been Harry's enemy since the day they bumped into each other on the Hogwarts Express in Book 1. Draco tried to win Harry's friendship...

Narcissa Malfoy

We see almost nothing of Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius's wife and Draco's mother, in Book 5. But we do discover something interesting about her: she is Sirius's cousin. Her maiden name was Narcissa Black...

Professor Marchbanks

Professor Marchbanks is the head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority, which means that she arrives at Hogwarts to administer OWLs to the fifth years. OWLs are subject-specific standardized test...

Madame Maxine

We don't see Madame Maxine directly in Book 5 – she is a much bigger part of Book 4 – but we hear about her from Hagrid when he is discussing his trip to France to look for giants over the summ...

Professor Minerva McGonagall

(Click the character infographic to download.)Professor McGonagall is the Transfiguration teacher and Head of Gryffindor House. As such, she is Harry's immediate authority figure when he gets his r...


Montague is captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team and a member of the Inquisitorial Squad. When he tries to pull rank on Fred and George as a member of the Squad, they "forced him head-first into...

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody

Throughout Book 4, we got to know a man who looked and sounded like Alastor Moody, but in fact, he was a Death Eater using Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself as Moody. In Book 5, we get to see th...

Nearly Headless Nick

As the Gryffindor ghost, Nick has always floated around friendlily, speaking to the Gryffindors at their Welcome Feast and generally being a surprisingly positive contribution to their lives (for a...

Phineas Nigellus

Phineas Nigellus is one of Sirius's ancestors. He was the least popular Headmaster Hogwarts has ever had. Even so, his portrait hangs in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts. Since there is another...

Mrs. Norris

Mrs. Norris is Argus Filch's cat. She doesn't seem like she's capable of speech, but she's clearly got some way of communicating with Filch. When Harry goes up to the Owlery to send a letter to Sir...

Theodore Nott

There are two Theodore Notts in Book 5, and neither of them appears for very long. There is Theodore Nott, Sr., who is a Death Eater who takes part in the ambush at the Department of Mysteries. He...

Pansy Parkinson

Pansy Parkinson is a Slytherin fifth year, a prefect, and (eventually) a member of the Inquisitorial Squad under Professor Umbridge. She is really attached to Draco and (of course) hates all Gryffi...

Padma Patil

Padma is Gryffindor Parvati Patil's twin sister. She is the fifth year Ravenclaw prefect. When Luna Lovegood first meets Ron, she observes vaguely, "You went to the Yule Ball with Padma Patil [...]...

Parvati Patil

Parvati is a Gryffindor fifth year. She has no real role in Book 5 except as an active participant of Divination class: she loves Divination and respects Professor Trelawney, so she is distressed b...


Peeves is the Hogwarts poltergeist. He is incredibly disrespectful: he sings songs to Harry about how crazy Harry is, he throws things at all of the teachers, and he generally brings chaos to the h...


Perkins is Mr. Weasley's colleague at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. He is a "stooped, timid-looking old wizard with fluffy white hair" (7.126). He's the one who tells Mr. Weasley and Harry...

Madam Pince

Madam Pince is the Hogwarts school librarian. There is nothing she hates more than students messing with her books. When Ginny hands Harry some chocolate in the library, Madame Pince enchants Harry...

Sturgis Podmore

Sturgis is a member of the Order who first appears with that initial group of guards in Chapter 3. He is described as a "square-jawed wizard with thick straw-colored hair" (3.83). When Harry, Ron,...

Madam Poppy Pomfrey

Madam Pomfrey is Hogwarts's mediwitch. In other words, she's the magical equivalent of the school nurse. She is very practical, down-to-earth, and a little brusque. But her heart is clearly in the...

Lily (Evans) Potter

Of course, Lily Potter (or Lily Evans, as she was before she got married) has never actually appeared in the Harry Potter series. Her death is one of the foundational events of the Harry Potter ser...

James Potter

In Book 3, we get introduced to the Marauders, that delightful gang made up of Sirius, James, Remus, and that traitor Wormtail. It seems appropriate that Fred and George are holding on to the Marau...

Augustus Pye

Augustus Pye is a Trainee Healer at St. Mungo's when Mr. Weasley is recovering from the attack at the Department of Mysteries. He is, in Mr. Weasley's words, "a lovely young chap and very intereste...

Augustus Rookwood

Rookwood is another of the ten Death Eaters to escape Azkaban in Chapter 25. Rookwood is "a pockmarked man with greasy hair" who apparently sold Ministry secrets to Voldemort. (He's also one of the...

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Kingsley Shacklebolt is both an Auror (a Ministry-employed Dark wizard hunter) and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Luckily, he is also the senior Auror in charge of the investigation of Siriu...

Stan Shunpike

Harry and the Weasleys all travel back to Hogwarts from Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place (where they have been staying over the Christmas holidays to visit Mr. Weasley at St. Mungo's Hospital) on the...

Jack Sloper and Andrew Kirke

Sloper and Kirke replace Fred and George Weasley as Beaters on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. They are both pretty appalling. In fact, during the Gryffindor match against Hufflepuff, Kirke manages...

Rita Skeeter

In Book 4, Rita Skeeter appears as the scheming reporter who will do anything – lie, twist words, spy, whatever – to get an exciting story. To stop Rita from reporting horrible things about Har...

Zacharias Smith

Zacharias is a truly unpleasant kid from Hufflepuff House. He plays Seeker for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. He comes across our radar because he joins the D.A. But even though he seems actively t...

Professor Severus Snape

(Click the character infographic to download.)Professor Severus Snape is Potions Master at Hogwarts and Head of Slytherin House. He is also a former Death Eater and current member of the Order of t...

Alicia Spinnet

Alicia Spinnet is a Gryffindor sixth year. She's good friends with Angelina Johnson; she also plays Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. As Quidditch season starts up, Alicia Spinnet becomes a...

Professor Pomona Sprout

Professor Sprout is the Hogwarts Herbology teacher and Head of Hufflepuff House. We really see very little of Professor Sprout in Book 5, but we do know that she has her own struggles with Professo...

The Sorting Hat

The Sorting Hat's job is to, well, sort all of the students of Hogwarts into the four Houses. And generally, it does this easily enough by considering the individual students' personalities. But in...

Tenebrus and the Thestrals

Tenebrus is a Thestral. The Thestrals are skeletal, winged horses that are attracted to the smell of death. They eat raw meat. They can only be seen by people who have witnessed death, of whom Harr...

Dean Thomas

(Click the character infographic to download.) Dean shares a Gryffindor dorm with Harry, Ron, Neville, and Seamus Finnegan. He and Seamus are best friends. Dean is a decent guy who tries to mediate...

Professor Tofty

Professor Tofty is an elderly wizard who administers OWLs in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and History of Magic. During Harry's Defense OWL, Professor Tofty asks him to produce a Patron...

Nymphadora Tonks

(Click the character infographic to download.)Tonks is a young witch who comes to the Dursleys' house as part of Harry's guard to travel to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. She is an Auror, a Dark w...

Professor Sibyll Trelawney

Professor Trelawney teaches Divination. Ever since we first meet her in Book 3, she has seemed like a right old fraud: she likes making predictions of doom and gloom for the shock value, but she's...

Arthur Weasley

(Click the character infographic to download.)Mr. Weasley is the father of the Weasley clan; he is also a kind, generous man. He works everyday at the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office of the Minis...

Molly Weasley

(Click the character infographic to download.)Mrs. Weasley is the biggest mother figure in the Harry Potter series. As the mother to Ron and the whole Weasley clan, she also eagerly welcomes Harry...

Bill Weasley

Bill is the Weasleys' oldest child. We don't see much of him in Book 5, though we do hear rumors from Fred and George that Bill has a new girlfriend, the French exchange student Fleur Delacour. Bil...

Charlie Weasley

Charlie is the second oldest Weasley child. We don't see him directly in Book 5, but we do hear news that he continues to try and make connections with wizards in Eastern Europe in the cause agains...

Percy Weasley

Percy is the third oldest Weasley child. He is two years older than Fred and George. Percy has always been kind of a goody-two-shoes know-it-all, but basically a good egg. He and Harry overlapped a...

Fred and George Weasley

(Click the character infographic to download.)(Click the character infographic to download.) Fred and George are Ron's older twin brothers. They are a year above Ron at Hogwarts. They are incredib...


Warrington is a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team and the Inquisitorial Squad. When Harry breaks into Professor Umbridge's office a second time to try and find Sirius at Number Twelve, Grimmau...

Willy Widdershins

Willy Widdershins is responsible for a wave of anti-Muggle pranking that Mr. Weasley mentions while he and Harry walk through the Ministry of Magic. Apparently, someone has been enchanting toilets...


Williamson is a "scarlet-robed man with a pony tail" (36.95) who shouts out, "He was there! [...] I saw him, Mr. Fudge, I swear it was You-Know-Who" (36.95). In other words, Williamson is the first...

Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew)

(Click the character infographic to download.) We think one of the worst things about the Order photograph that Moody shows Harry is that Wormtail is in it, surrounded by people who trusted him, in...