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Gladiator Politics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Gladiator.

Quote #1

MARCUS AURELIUS: There once was a dream that was Rome.

These words from Marcus Aurelius will be repeated throughout the film, usually by Maximus. The "dream" that Aurelius describes is the vision of a powerful Republic. This contrasts with the imperial desires of Commodus, who wants nothing to do with republican government.

Quote #2

COMMODUS: But these senators scheme, squabble and flatter and deceive. Maximus we must save Rome from the politicians, my friend.

Early on, we get the impression that the Roman Senate is the real villain, full of guys who "scheme" and "deceive." The irony, of course, is that it is the Emperor Commodus who begins to "scheme" and "deceive" shortly after these remarks. It is Commodus from whom Rome will need to be saved.

Quote #3

MARCUS AURELIUS: I want you to become the protector of Rome after I die. I will empower you to one end alone, to give power back to the people of Rome and end the corruption that has crippled it.

Marcus Aurelius glosses the idea of the "dream" here but also entrusts Maximus with a mission that he will, eventually, accomplish. The "corruption" he is describing has to do with issues of imperial government—the kinds of things Commodus gets involved with (politically motivated killings, for example). Maximus mission is to rid Rome of the disease, in addition to avenging his family's murder.