Alien Resources

Aliens Collection is dedicated to all things Alien, and we do mean all things. It has tons of information on the movies, of course, but it also archives awesomeness about the toys books, comics, posters, fan fictions, and alien-inspired cross stitches.
You read that right.

The go-to wiki for the Alien franchise. These fans know their stuff.

Want more Predator in your Alien wiki? This wiki chronicles both franchises and the epic monster mashes between them.

Strange Shapes contains blogger Valaquen's articles on Alien, Aliens, Alien3 and Prometheus. It has some of the best original reporting on the franchise across the web.

Did you know Ridley Scott was knighted by Queen Elizabeth? Just one of the several fun facts about this award-winning director you'll find here.

Take a peek inside the mind that created the alien, one of cinema's greatest original monster creations.

Here's the home sweet digital home for the man who started the horror.
Book or TV Adaptations

Alan Dean Foster penned the official novelization for Alien. Fun fact: he also ghostwrote the original Star Wars novelization.

Aliens is one of the bluest movies you'll ever see. It also took the horror of Alien and made it into a military adventure. Surprisingly, it really, truly worked.

Aliens versus Predators with a human body count between them. 'Neff said.
Articles and Interviews

Roger Ebert wasn't too excited about Alien when he first reviewed it. Looking back, he gives it the respect it deserves, including it on his list of great movies.

The title of Roz Kaveney's book says it all. As a bonus, it contains an excellent case study of Alien, and it can be read on Google Books.

Academics love Alien and they've spilled a ton of ink trying to analyze its many facets. Bu why do academics heart this science fiction film so much? Tom Shone might have the answer.

Like its extraterrestrial star, Alien didn't come out of nowhere to wreak havoc on the box office. Someone had to lay the egg that would hatch to invade Dan O'Bannon's mind, and this article explains the alien's bloody family tree.

What kind of character is Ripley? Is she a new female action hero? An evil step mother? A victim of intergalactic reproductive horrors? Xan Brooks explores the many ways to read the character.

One of the best trailers of all time. Seriously. How can you not watch this movie after seeing this?

WatchMojo counts down the top ten alien species. Guess which spot our intergalactic stowaway takes.

"The Beast Within" provides you an in-depth look at the making of Alien. Oh, and spoiler warning is in full effect. Duh. (Secondary warning: there's some adult language, but it's in the context of the movie's dialogue.)

Need a fix for your trivia craving? Here's another behind the scenes documentary for you called "Alien Evolution." Comes complete with British narrator and everything. (Look out for some adult language in this one, too.)

5 movies in 5 minutes for those of us who need our cinematic scares in a concentrated form.

Mel Brooks parodied the famous chestbuster scene in his film Spaceballs and John Hurt reprises his role as the universe's most unlucky dinner guest. We include because we love it.

Ask not for whom the Alien theme plays. It plays for thee.

Wait, Alien had a soundtrack after the opening? Although most of us were probably too engrossed in the film to give it its due, here's the complete soundtrack to correct that mistake. It's really very good.

We don't know why you'd need the sound effects for the alien, but if you do, then we've got you covered.

The movie poster for Alien features on scary looking green egg. We would definitely scram before finding out what's inside.

The famed alien from Alien in all its alien alieness.

Here lies the mysterious pilot of the derelict alien ship. Some call it the Space Jockey; others call it seriously weird. Just don't call it the gansta' of love.

Equals love at first bite. Their lovechild would prove one deadly chip off the old block.

The Nostromo in all its space-faring glory… on second thought, maybe we'll vacation on the International Space Station.

Here is a shot containing the entire case of the Nostromo. Like a photo from a high school year book, you won't be seeing most of these faces for long.

The surrealist print that gave birth to the alien: We present to you Necronom IV by H.R. Giger.