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U.S. History 1877-Present Videos 173 videos
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U.S. History 1877-Present 3: Native Americans in the Gilded Age 9665 Views
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Today we'll learn about plans to assimilate the American Indian population after reconstruction. If you've ever seen Star Trek , you'll know that forced assimilation is a big no no...whether you're stripping someones culture away, or turning them into a creepy cyborg automaton.
- 00:04
Seems like we pretty much got the Gilded Age figured out at this
- 00:07
point right top hat millionaires corruption scandal more top hats but
- 00:12
being about a boon Gilded Age in a nutshell I'm sorry to burst your bubble [Gilded Age checklist appears]
- 00:16
there SH bumpers but there was more going on after reconstruction than just
- 00:19
the invention of the champagne fountain sure everybody in the Gilded Age was [A champagne fountain appears]
Full Transcript
- 00:23
looking for a little slice of opportunity but not all the new
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opportunities found in northeastern factories were fed by the last the West
- 00:31
trouble was that Western land territory and Natural Resources actually belonged [River and Private Property sign appears]
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to other people and they weren't too pleased about being asked of course to
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hand it all over and clear out if we're talking about the American Indians well
- 00:47
US policy toward the natives had always been awful even back in the colonial
- 00:51
days the bad news is that while the US had always treated American Indians like
- 00:55
pests to be eliminated it all got a lot worse during the gilded ages period of
- 01:01
rapid westward expansion well during the Gilded Age US policy toward natives [Man capturing woman]
- 01:06
turns downright schizophrenic lots of different factions had lots of different
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ideas and they didn't mind arguing about them some groups argued for policies
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that were supposedly humanitarian for these people the humane way to deal with
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the tribes was to assimilate them into white culture these groups went by the
- 01:24
slogan kill the Indian and save the man we didn't make this up these groups [Group of indian people and Richard Pratt appears]
- 01:30
wanted an extreme makeover of the worst possible time they didn't really care
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about the fact that completely erasing somebody's culture is a lot like killing
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the person that they are just imagine if aliens just over the country and told us [Alien spacecraft flys towards Earth]
- 01:43
we could keep living here as long as we acted like them [Alien pointing gun at people]
- 01:49
of course while the assimilation strategy was culturally insensitive at
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best there were significantly worse strategies out there like oh say they
- 01:59
kill them all strategy while the US Army had plenty of American Indian massacres
- 02:03
on their hand some white volunteer groups even took it upon themselves the
- 02:07
massacre native children inspired by the charming phrase nits become life uncle [Native child and gun points towards her]
- 02:16
thinking the Pineda's didn't fight back there were plenty of Indian Wars
- 02:19
rebellion and minor skirmishes but in the end well they just couldn't stand
- 02:24
out to the superior technology and power and resources of the u.s. machines like
- 02:30
bows and arrows don't do much against bullets so American Indians attempted [Rifle fires at bow and arrow]
- 02:37
violent resistance basically totally failed well except for the Battle of
- 02:41
Little Bighorn in which General Custer and most of his men were annihilated by
- 02:45
the Lakota Cheyenne and Arapaho trot now this event was also called Custer's last
- 02:51
stand for all those out there who taught the term refer to the last custard on [Custard and gelati stand]
- 02:56
the block not case
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