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AP Videos
AP Biology: Biological System Interactions Drill 1, Problem 1. Complete the sentence about a saturated fatty acid.
AP Biology Videos 39 videos
AP Biology: Biological System Interactions Drill 1, Problem 1. Complete the sentence about a saturated fatty acid.
AP Biology: Essential Life Process Information Drill 1, Problem 1. If one parent is heterozygous for the sickle cell trait while the other par...
AP Biology: Evolution Drives the Diversity and Unity of Life Drill 1, Problem 1. The first cells on planet Earth were likely what?
AP Calculus Videos 14 videos
AP Calculus: Problem Explanation Limits Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following are true about the pictured function?
AP Calculus: AB/BC Limits Drill 1, Problem 5. Evaluate the limit.
Breathe in deeply through the nose... Now slowly exhale... Breathe in... And out... Now visualize the graph of the limit of f(x) as x approaches 2....
AP Chemistry Videos 54 videos
AP Chemistry 1.3 Chemical Reaction Rates. What is the overall order of the reaction?
AP Chemistry 1.4 Chemical Reaction Rates. What are the correct units for a second order rate constant?
AP Chemistry 1.5 Chemical Reaction Rates. What is the rate law for the reaction?
AP Comparative Government Videos 9 videos
We're looking for a term that describes Iran's economy. But we'd rather the answer is in English rather than in Persian. Go figure.
AP Computer Science Videos 113 videos
AP Computer Science 1.4 Standard Algorithms. How many times will mystery be called for mystery(n) for n > 1?
AP Computer Science 2.3 Classes and Objects. Which of the following is correct implementation of the Country class?
AP Computer Science 3.4 Inheritance, Abstraction, and Polymorphism. Which of the following will satisfy the conditional if statement for boo, str,...
AP English Language and Composition Videos 171 videos
AP English Literature and Composition 1.1 Passage Drill 7. The primary purpose of this passage is what?
Wishing upon a star may help you pass your AP English Language and Composition test, but answering this question would be a safer bet.
Do you know a prepositional phrase when you see one? Take a look at this AP English Language and Composition question and find out.
AP English Literature and Composition Videos 72 videos
AP® English Literature and Composition Passage Drill 2, Problem 1. What claim does Bacon make that contradicts the maxim "Whatsoever is delig...
AP® English Literature and Composition Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. Which literary device is used in lines 31 to 37?
AP English Literature and Composition 1.4 Passage Drill 2. What literary device characterizes lines 18 through 23?
AP European History Videos 37 videos
AP European History Period 1: 1450-1648 Drill 2, Problem 1. As a result of the meeting in the image, which of the following occurred?
AP European History Period 3: 1815-1914 Drill 2, Period 1, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon represented the beginning of which of the following art m...
AP European History Period 3: 1815-1914 Drill 2, Problem 4. Paintings like the one depicted above were a direct reflection of what?
AP Human Geography Videos 29 videos
AP Human Geography 2.5 Intro to Geography. Economic drawbacks of globalization include what?
AP Human Geography 1.2 Intro to Geography. The earliest geographers in the Western tradition to discover the Earth was spherical were...who?
How is a region defined? By climate? By the people? By whether or not its citizens have to put up with Time Warner?
AP Macroeconomics Videos 6 videos
AP Macroeconomics 1.1 Measurement of Economic Performance. How do we measure net Domestic Product?
AP Macroeconomics 1.2 Measurement of Economic Performance. What is inflation?
AP Macroeconomics 1.6 Measurement of Economic Performance. Which is true of the basic two sector economy in the circular flow of income model?
AP Microeconomics Videos 8 videos
ACT Science: Conflicting Viewpoint Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. What statement would both scientists agree upon?
AP Microeconomics 1.6 Basic Economic Concepts Review Drill. What does this point on the production possibilities curve represent?
AP Microeconomics 1.12 Basic Economic Concepts. What is an advantage of specialization and trade?
AP Music Theory Videos 20 videos
AP Music Theory 1.1 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. Which of the following scales contains the notes shown above?
AP Music Theory 3.2 Score Analysis. What notes would have sharps in the key of c sharp minor?
AP Music Theory 1.2 Music Terminology, Terms & Symbols. The interval shown about is what?
AP Physics 1 Videos 86 videos
AP Physics 1: 1.1 Changes and Conservation Laws. What is the speed of the other piece of wood?
AP Physics 1: 1.3 Changes and Conservation Laws. How fast is the particle falling at the instant before it hits the ground?
AP Physics 1: 1.5 Changes and Conservation Laws. Which of the following can be classified as elastic collisions?
AP Physics 2 Videos 66 videos
AP Physics 2: 2.2 Properties of Objects and Systems. What will happen as the robot son moves the sponge near (but doesn't touch) the plate?
AP Physics 2: 2.4 Properties of Objects and Systems. How could you show the carnival barker an emission spectrum?
AP Physics 2: 2.5 Changes and Conservation Laws. Which of the following will occur?
AP Physics B/C Videos 8 videos
AP Physics 2: 1.1 Properties of Objects and Systems. What is the magnitude and direction of the conventional current in this wire?
AP Physics B: Newtonian Mechanics Section Drill 2, problem 1. What is the acceleration due to gravity for objects dropped near the surface of Europa?
AP® Physics B: Newtonian Mechanics Drill 1, Problem 3. With what acceleration does lunch arrive?
AP Psychology Videos 163 videos
AP Psychology 1.1 Sensation and Perception. The process by which the brain can turn sensory stimuli from the outside world into electrical signals...
AP Psychology 2.2 Social Psychology. Which of the following was an independent variable manipulated in Asch's research?
AP Psychology 1.1 Personality. According to Freud, these three parts of personality are constantly in conflict.
AP Statistics Videos 40 videos
AP Statistics: Sampling and Experimentation Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following statements is true?
AP Statistics: Sampling and Experimentation Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of the following studies would be the best approach to finding his new l...
AP Statistics: Statistical Inference Drill 1, Problem 1. Which of the following statements is true?
AP U.S. Government Videos 90 videos
AP U.S. Government 1.1 Institutions of National Government. What was the scale of representation in the House of Representatives when the Constitut...
AP U.S. Government 2.2 Public Policy. What did the Budget Impoundment Control Act do?
AP U.S. Government 2.3 Civil Rights and Liberties. Classifications based on sexual orientation receive...what?
AP U.S. History Videos 294 videos
AP U.S. History Exam 2.49. Why would many Americans have felt "contentment amidst prosperity" at the time the Port Huron Statement was written?
AP U.S. History Exam 2.48. Which of the following had the greatest influence on the movement Steinem refers to in the excerpt?
The appeal of city living has always been strong. Can you figure out why new immigrants chose to live in big cities? Hint: they weren't trying to b...
AP World History Videos 31 videos
AP World History 1.2 Industrialization and Global Integration, c. 1750 to c. 1900. All of the following are innovations of the Industrial Revolutio...
AP World History 2.5 Industrialization and Global Integration, c. 1750 to c.1900. What was the relationship between abolitionist movements and wome...
AP World History 4.3 Industrialization and Global Integration, c. 1750 to c. 1900. What was the immediate cause of the First Sino-Japanese War?