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History/Social Studies Passage Videos 43 videos
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SAT Reading: Describing President Obama's Point of View in the Conclusion of His Speech 6 Views
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Obama's stance on the nation: We need to reform our economic opportunities. More resources need to be allocated to those at the bottom of the social ladder than to the top.
- 00:02
here we go next question the stance the present Obama takes in the last week
- 00:06
paragraphs can best be described as what so let's see let's go back to the last [text on screen]
- 00:12
three paragraphs here and we're just gonna kind of cruise for keywords see if
- 00:15
that helps at all distinguished Americans been tested I crises resolved
- 00:18
it we're programmed to happen four times I mean to our tree let's go with D a
Full Transcript
- 00:23
reformer calling for equality in economic opportunities like everyone has [man making speech in public]
- 00:28
an equal opportunity non equal free ride alright well last three paragraphs focus
- 00:33
largely on economic issues with Obama discussing wages pride in work like I'm [text on screen]
- 00:39
not just digging a hole and filling it up a thank you FDR and poverty [shovel digging hole]
- 00:43
he meets each mention of an economic issue with a demand for equality of
- 00:46
opportunity like if you work hard you ought to get rewarded for it right what
- 00:51
a crazy idea the section begins with the idea that an economic recovery has begun [money falling]
- 00:56
he's right about that and ends with but while the means will [text on screen]
- 01:00
change our purpose endures a nation that rewards the effort and determination of
- 01:05
every single American hmm all right well what if Americans have no determination
- 01:10
and don't like making any effort and they're just lazy and they want to just [boy napping]
- 01:13
sit around their couch all day and watch Real Housewives what do we do with them
- 01:16
well he didn't address that all right Obama's talking economics in these last [text on screen]
- 01:20
few lines more specifically he's talking economic reform Obama probably thinks
- 01:25
things will go south if the nation can't get its economic act together a but [zombies advancing]
- 01:29
these three paragraphs are more of a reinforcement of ideals versus a [text on screen]
- 01:34
prediction of rough waters ahead the president doesn't mention grudges here
- 01:38
so yeah get rid of beef no he does assert that America requires the broad
- 01:42
shoulders of a rising middle class and water polo team yeah so get rid of C he
- 01:48
puts the most stress on every citizen having the same chance to succeed
- 01:52
alright well so let's go with D a reformer did it work did he reforms
- 01:57
everything okay now yeah maybe not so much [Trump puppet]
- 02:00
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