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How Does Thoreau Feel about Commerce? 42 Views
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How does Thoreau feel about commerce? He writes, "We don't ride upon the railroad; it rides upon us." He wants and end to the war fighting for the almighty buck.
- 00:02
Okay here's Question The stance taken by the road in
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the last paragraph can best be described as what All
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right well let's go back here You've got to get
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to the last paragraph is like a dream confederacy made
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up of penn state senate itself in all its so
Full Transcript
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called internal movement without leaving its mark Simplicity of like
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that So let's see where are we Well the correct
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answer here Yeah It's c he's a critic of commerce
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is an end goal So the last paragraph sees throw
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railing hop pun intended there against commerce He suggests that
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it hurts regular people going so far as to say
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that the railroad rides up on us He criticizes people
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who insist the nation must be able to export ice
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use a telegraph and ride on trains regardless of whether
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they themselves ever get to do any of those things
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like the nation can do it But the individual What
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about him or her Well his main problem is that
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this thirst for growth goes unexamined like the life not
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worth living He's unsure if rapid growth contributes to the
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health and well being of the country And well he
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just like humanity to reconsider the centrality of commerce in
- 01:03
life you have fighting for the almighty buck All right
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Well he's a definite curmudgeon But not all grumpy old
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men are traditional or conservative Eso es get rid of
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that In fact the row is quite a radical even
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though some of his ideas advocate a return to a
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simpler time Small scale family farming seems to fit in
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with his police But now he doesn't mention it in
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the passage here so we can just make it up
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and throw it in there So get rid of b
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And finally he doesn't believe that the germans or anyone
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else are out to get us he's using germany as
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a symbol or rather a metaphor for over complication Alright
- 01:38
so more on the simplify simplify scale So just keep 00:01:41.452 --> [endTime] doing it
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