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PSAT 1.9 Math Diagnostic. What is the maximum size widescreen TV Abby can purchase?
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PSAT 1.39 Math Diagnostic 184 Views
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PSAT 1.39 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following is equivalent to this expression?
- 00:00
Sorry And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
- 00:05
by birthday clowns Don't worry about it when you see
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one of them crying in his van after the party
- 00:10
That's just how clowns express joy which of the following
- 00:14
is equivalent tio this times this and here the potential
Full Transcript
- 00:18
answers ugly All right well this is the type of
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problems we like to call a birthday clown It looks
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terrifying at first but once you give it a chance
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well it's not so bad This thing is seriously ugly
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though and we can pretty it up with minimal effort
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Really just a factoring exercise Each of these polynomial can
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be broken down and factored And once we've done that
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we'll be able to cancel out numbers like nobody's business
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So yeah let's get started a sap so we don't
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have to look at this thing anymore The polynomial in
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the numerator on the left hand side x squared minus
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for x minus twelve will factor into the quantity x
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minus six and the quantity x plus two the other
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numerator x squared plus two x minus fifteen factors into
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the quantity x plus five and quantity x minus three
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Well first denominator x squared plus seven x plus ten
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factories into the quantity x plus five and quantity x
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plus two and finally the other denominator x squared minus
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eight Acts plus 12 factor's india the quantity x minus
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six and the quantity x minus two remember the key
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is to think of the possible factors of the last
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term in the polynomial and then think about how you
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could get to that middle term by either subtracting or
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adding those factors together Well things get slightly trickier when
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there's a coefficient other than one in front of the
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first term But fortunately we don't have to worry about
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that here So for example with the first polynomial we
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know twelve is gonna factor into twelve and one and
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six and two or four and three but only by
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factoring into six and two can we get to the
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four coefficient of the ex term And just like that
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we're starting to see all this nastiness melt away Yeah
- 01:56
it's just like the end of frozen Now comes the
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easy and fun part because we're multiplying these two fractions
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together we can simplify from one uber long numerator and
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one uber Long denominator and then cancel anything we see
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on both top and bottom which is just about everything
- 02:13
right So the x minus six goes the x plus
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two goes and the expos five is out of here
- 02:19
as well leaving just ex ministry over x minus two
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which can't be simplified any further and conveniently enough That's
- 02:26
option a Okay so maybe you do your next birthday
- 02:29
at six flags Instead you're getting too old for clowns 00:02:31.97 --> [endTime] anyway Boy there he goes
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