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PSAT 1.23 Math Diagnostic 195 Views
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PSAT 1.23 Math Diagnostic. Which of the following would cause the system to have infinite solutions?
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
- 00:05
brought to you by infinite solutions We're talking a heck
- 00:09
of a lot of scratch paper All right let's say
- 00:12
we're given the equation negative to a plus five equals
- 00:15
b which of the following if added to the equation
Full Transcript
- 00:17
above to form a system of equations would cause the
- 00:20
system to have infinite solutions and hear the potential answered
- 00:23
All right there Wow that's A lot of solutions not
- 00:27
the contact lens stuff Either We'd stay here to countem
- 00:30
all but well we've got a thing Well here's where
- 00:33
It's Awfully nice to have multiple choices waken just take
- 00:36
each one couple it with the given equation to make
- 00:38
a system of equations and then go from there when
- 00:40
we find the answer choice that results in an infinite
- 00:42
number of solutions We've got our man or woman on
- 00:46
second thought All these answer choice and looked pretty gender
- 00:49
neutral there All right Well let's start with b ten
- 00:51
plus two b equals for a and here's our original
- 00:54
equation Negative to a plus five equals b Well we
- 00:56
already have something we can substitute as b This thing
- 00:59
right here So let's Plug that in Option these equations
- 01:02
and we get ten plus two times quantity negative to
- 01:04
eight plus five equals for a almost like through It
- 01:07
simplifies to ten months for a plus ten equals for
- 01:10
a we can add our tends together to get twenty
- 01:13
and then add foray to both sides to get twenty
- 01:16
equals a divide Both sides by eight and eight equals
- 01:19
twenty over eight or five half way get a solution
- 01:22
but only one of them that's it hardly infinite It
- 01:25
was right Option b a dear john letter and move
- 01:27
on with our lives How about c a day plus
- 01:30
four b equals fifty six Well again we can take
- 01:33
negative to a plus five and substitute that for b
- 01:35
way Get a day plus four times the quantity negative
- 01:38
to a plus five equals fifty six Multiply through a
- 01:41
day minus a day plus twenty equals fifty six are
- 01:44
eight days cancel and it looks like twenty equals fifty
- 01:48
six On what planet If we're converting from celsius not
- 01:51
fahrenheit maybe don't know this one yields zero real solutions
- 01:56
so we can cross it off our list What about
- 01:58
option d A plus B equals negative one Well you
- 02:00
know the real when we substitute this becomes a plus
- 02:03
The quantity negative to a plus five equals negative one
- 02:06
We're left with negative A plus five equals negative one
- 02:09
and subtract five from both sides and negative equals negative
- 02:13
six Meaning that a equal six We'll get a slight
- 02:16
upgrade from option c which had no solutions But we're
- 02:18
still a long way off from infinite here's hoping option
- 02:21
a can turn things around while sixty equals fifteen minus
- 02:24
three b will substitute yet again Get six a equals
- 02:28
fifteen minus three times the quantity Negative to a plus
- 02:33
five Multiply through to get six a equals fifteen plus
- 02:36
six A minus fifteen are fifteen Cancel And now we
- 02:40
have six A equals six eh Well yeah Duh No
- 02:43
matter what value we plug in for a this equation
- 02:46
whether it's fourteen twenty seven thirty eight point nine six
- 02:49
two or dog This equation will check out Which means
- 02:52
it has infinite solutions Then we don't even have to
- 02:55
try a few hundred thousand of them To be sure
- 02:57
So is our answer And that makes us infinitely happy 00:03:00.103 --> [endTime] Seriously check out that Yeah
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