Troilus and Cressida Resources

We've got the 411 on everybody's favorite Elizabethan playwright. Check it out.

Check out Marjorie Garber's down to earth talk about this play (plus many others).

BBC's review of the Maori production of Troilus and Cressida, part of the Globe to Globe Festival.

Cool NPR podcast about the 2005 Globe Theater production that staged Troilus and Cressida in the "original pronunciation." So what does "real" Elizabethan English sound like? Think Captain Jack Sparrow.

Nifty article from the Folger Shakespeare Library about how Shakespeare turns Homer and Chaucer's noble characters into a bunch of creeps.
Movie or TV Productions

You better hope this is the flick your teacher makes you watch in class because it's the best one out there: Troilus and Cressida (1981), directed by Jonathan Miller for the BBC.

Directed by Michael Croft for the BBC.
Historical Documents

Check out a facsimile of the First Folio edition of Troilus and Cressida, from 1623.

Check out this old playbill from a 1697 Production of Troilus and Cressida.

In this film version, Achilles chills while his Myrmidon hooligans hack down Hector. Cold-blooded, don't you think?

This clip features a "haka" (a Maori warrior dance) in a Maori version of Troilus and Cressida. This is so awesome, guys!

A modern take on Act 3, scene 2 sets Troilus and Cressida in...a small cafe. Of course!

What are you waiting for? Shakespeare is meant to be heard.

Cressida and Helen admire the goods in Alexandre Bida's 1890 watercolor.

Here's a touching 1795 print of Act 5, scene 3, where Hector's family begs him to stay home.