The Moonstone Resources


The Victorian Web

The Victorian Web is a useful website for anyone interested in nineteenth-century literature. This is a link to their page about Wilkie Collins.

The Wilkie Collins Pages

This website has a lot of useful links about Wilkie Collins and his novels.

Movie or TV Productions

The Moonstone, 1996

There is a 1996 BBC/Masterpiece Theatre adaptation of The Moonstone. Looks like this Friday night just got booked!

The Moonstone, 1972

This is a link to the 1972 BBC mini-series of The Moonstone.

The Moonstone, 1934

This adaptation of The Moonstone from 1934 looks fun and campy.

Historical Documents

Wilkie Collins's Letters

This page has links to some manuscripts and letters by Wilkie Collins. A four-volume collection of Collins's letters was published in 2005.

The Novel and the Police by D.A. Miller

The first chapter of this book has a very interesting take on The Moonstone. You can find it at your local library or order it from Amazon. This link is to an earlier version of Miller's chapter on The Moonstone that was published in the journal Novel. (JSTOR link)


Trailer for the Book

A kind of fun teaser/trailer for the The Moonstone.

1934 Adaptation of The Moonstone

This is a link to the YouTube playlist for the 1934 version of The Moonstone. You can watch all nine parts.

Masterpiece Theater Adaptation

This is a link to the Masterpiece Theater adaptation of The Moonstone.


Photograph of Wilkie Collins

Look at the beard on this guy!

Illustration from The Moonstone

This is an illustration of Gabriel Betteredge, Sergeant Cuff, and the gardener, Mr. Begbie, talking in the garden.

Illustration from The Moonstone

This illustration shows Sergeant Cuff and Gabriel Betteredge looking at Rosanna Spearman's footprints on the beach by the Shivering Sands.